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CHAPTER 10 “What do you mean, talk to me Zara" Naya urged as she sat on the floor. Zara had terror written all over her face, the moment she mentioned the word vampires, she looked scared. “Don't you get this Naya. We're doomed.. “ she drew out by word and Naya shoulders fell instantly. " I still don't get you.. “ she chuckled nervously. " Vampires and werewolves are both sworn enemies. I've heard from dad that they have a feud going on between them. We should be dead but now and I guess it has something to do with us losing our powers” she explained and Naya saw where she was driving at. “We have to leave.." Zara stood up from the bed but Naya stopped her before she could take another step. “We can't leave.." she said. “We can't have another enemy, Magnus' men must be looking all

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