1162 Words

CHAPTER ELEVEN ‘Oh no! ‘ Naya mumbled in her mind as the plate she was holding fell to the ground, shattering to pieces. “Oh my god!!" Jennet's loud voice rang in her ears and Naya frowned knowing what was coming for her. “Can you ever do something right? This is the fifteenth plate you're breaking in just a weak. What is wrong with you?" She scolded Naya who stepped away from the broken Glasses. “Everything about you is so useless. You can speak neither can you wash simple plates. Do you have to break them?" She asked again but Naya just kept quiet, what could she possibly say? “Don't mind her mum. I wonder where lord Vlad brought her from..” Jennet's daughter and Naya's enemy said with a sneer. It was Esme, Jennet's daughter who just hated Naya for no good reason. " She's so anno

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