Your Eyes

616 Words
One thing I probably never wanted was to lose control. I didn't want to lose to Grey. Or to Kevin. Or to Samantha. But my life has spiralled out of control in so short a time, and the only thing I am grasping to... is a man I barely even know. A man who could destroy me if he wanted. A man who... more than anyone else, was on my side. Gray broke the kiss for a short second before he leaned back in, his lips taking mine, his cheek brushing mine. And that was when I felt it. The moisture. That was when I tasted the tears. Felt the cold. The melancholy that had sipped into our kisses. I held him tighter, my eyes closing as I arched closer to him. Using all of the strength I could possibly muster, I turned, my lips still locked in his, my hair falling out from behind me to sprawl all over us and between us. He was now lying beneath me, his hair ruffled, his lips parted. His eyes were low, and I could see the swirling emotions within them. I moved, leaning to him as I kissed right under his eyes. I heard him suck in a sharp breath, and I cupped his neck just in case he would break this spell because he wanted to seem fine. I leaned away again, the taste of the pain he had kept hurdled up inside now all over my lips. His eyes slowly opened, and the dark grey orbs that looked like the skies right before rain came into a slow, magical view. He let his eyes dart slowly between both of mine, his chest slowly heaving. For a long moment, we stayed in that little cocoon, his breaths low, his eyes so expressive that I felt almost guilty for not seeing just how much they could convey on their own without the rest of his eyes. It made me wonder how many things I have missed by not looking into his eyes when I should have. How many emotions went right by me because I was waiting for him face to convey them while his eyes begged for me to check within. "Why?" He finally asked, and I perked up, my chest slightly heaving. His voice was a deep, dark whisper, like something straight out of an ambitious wet dream. "Why do you find me beautiful?" I wasn't sure why. Looking back, I thought he was beautiful even when he had a gun to my head. Even when I saw how cold he could get. Maybe it was the fact that snowflakes could be so beautiful that encouraged me to find the beauty in this man. "Your eyes," I answered as truthfully as I could. "I love your eyes, Gray. They are cold. They are fiery. It makes me wonder how they would look if you ever do smile out of mirth." He swallowed, then slowly shook his head. "Your ex is a fool, Evangeline." I gave a small chuckle as I eased into our rather unconventional situation. My fingers lightly caressed his neck as I moved my weight to one hand. "Badmouthing the dead?" "For his mistakes as a living, yes." I gave a small shrug. "Maybe he just wasn't for me." "Maybe he just wasn't for you," he echoed, and something passed in his eyes. I leaned to him, and this time, I took his lips slow, and his tears weren't the only ones that ended up my lips. So now we are just... a little bit married, with kisses in between, and a protective instinct for each other. Pretty nice, if you ask me.
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