
448 Words
My lashes fluttered slowly, and I stirred, my hands slowly stretching out on both sides. The sun rays were bright, and my eyes tightened against them as I stretched, then slowly curled up in bed. That was when I felt it. I was curled up against an unfamiliar warmth and a scent that was rather familiar. It gave me mixed feelings of both dread and calm, and I moved, my eyes slowly opening. Gray was lying right across from me. I gave a small gasp, my eyes widening as I took him in. His hair was sprawled across the pillow, his eyes closed in what seemed to be a peaceful sleep. His hand was resting between us, and he had a small furrow in his brow. I turned, realizing the sun rays were now directly on him. I moved my body till my shadow cast over him, and the furrow in his brow immediately cleared up. I watched him sleep noiselessly, his fingers lightly holding the sheets in a small pinch, his hair all over the place. My lips still tingled from the kisses, and I could barely hold the giggle that escaped my lips. I stopped, however, my chest heaving. I shouldn't be doing this. This man did not care about me. He cared for his wife, something I night not even be for that long. Who knows when Samantha will be able to get him to forgive her? Who knows when he would want to leave me for her? My initial lightness dissipated and, in its place, settled a dark cloud of darkness and doubt. Slowly, I turned, putting a pillow to shield him from the bright rays. With a sigh, I started to leave but could barely get to the edge when he wrapped his hand around my wrist, stopping me. I turned, my eyes wide. "You are awake?" "Stay," he said, his voice low. "I prefer your shadow." My doubts immediately ran away, along with my own inhibitions and anything, in fact, that would stop me from lying right there and shielding him from the sun with my body. Maybe this is why it had been so easy for Kevin to cheat on me. I didn't give him the chase most men probably wanted, and I was here, doing this same with Gray. Nonetheless, I settled in front of him, removing the pillow. He didn't cover the distance or anything and simply settled in again, his fingers still holding on to my wrist. Like a fool, I stayed there, my elbow propped against the bed, and my chin resting on my hand, my shadow cast over him. I guess for now, that was enough.
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