Midsummer Night's Dream

238 Words
I lay in bed with Kris, my eyes wide open, my chest heaving. I wasn't even sure what time it was, neither could I even remember how I made it up here, but I somehow did. I turned over, my eyes blinking up at the chandelier, like the balm to my anxious heart was somewhere in that glass, staring back at me. I couldn't stop hearing the things that Gray had said to me. Not like I wanted to be able to, but all of me, my body, my heart.. we were struggling with it. He had looked so sincere, and I know the easiest thing would be to get out of this bed and tell him that I felt the same way. I wanted to, so bad, but.. I closed my eyes and let out a small breath, my chest heaving lightly. It felt like a midsummer night's dream. A figment of my imagination. A broken piece of the wishes I have kept in my mind. I sighed, turning again, just as the door suddenly opened. I immediately closed my eyes, my heart racing in my chest, my fingers clenched into fists, my chest heaving with every breath I took. The suspense was killing me, and I swallowed, closing my eyes a little tighter. I knew who it was, and... hell. It was even more dangerous for me than it would be had it been a stranger.
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