I Told You So

1014 Words
"What do you think you are doing?" I froze in place, my lips parting. My beaet was hammering in my chest even harder than it had been when I had run down the stairs, the keys in one hand, and Aunt Althea's hand in the other. I knew Gray was still at home, and he seemed to know every single thing that went on around the house. I knew he would see me, but it was even more terrifying now that it was happening. I slowly turned, and Gray was standing at the foot of the stairs, his eyes cold, his hands resting in his pockets. It seemed to be his default posture when things didn't go his way, and I wasn't too sure what to make of that. "Gray, I..." "Hand me those keys." I swallowed, turning towards Aunt Althea. She was shaking her head, her eyes pleading. I could still see her on her knees, her hands clasped in front of her. I couldn't give her hope, only to succumb to the threat that was Gray now. "No," I said, putting my hand behind me and taking a step back. He seemed to have expected the rebellion and simply put his hand down. "Evangeline," he said, then slowly walked towards me. I took a few steps back, abandoning Aunt Althea's hand as I moved backwards to safety. To my horror and dismay, my back hit one of the large pillars in the house, and before I could move, Gray was right in front of me, his eyes holding mine. "You have already ruined my morning, Evangeline. Don't do something foolish again, or I will think of you as an enemy." "An enemy?" I asked, my chest heaving. "Because I woke up tonreakuze that the kisses with a man who marroed me at gun piint was a mistake?" "Yes," he said, his eyes widening a little. "Because you kissed me back. That was not forced." I blinked rapidly and then swallowed, moving my face so I would avert his eyes. "Are you angry about the kiss or about the keys?" "I am angry about both, so hand over the keys. Right, this instant." "No, Gray. Your grandmother and former fiancee are out there. What would the world think?" "I don't care!" "Well, I do. I don't want to watch your fanily go agsidjt tou. I dont want to watch the world curse at you. You are my husband!" "You don't get to pull that card now after emphasising that I married you at gun point just a minute ago. Pick a side, Evangeline. Don't be a hypocrite." I swallowed, unable to say anything for a long minute, my chest heaving. "You should be pissed. You should be angry. You should have some self-respect. Why do we keep going in circles here? That woman stole your man, too. Don't you feel anything towards your own self?" I swallowed, my eyes slowly meeting his. "The man is dead. I took her place here, she lost both. That is enough karma for me." His teeth were slightly gritted, and he moved closer, his fingers gently holding my chin. "And last night?" I looked up to his eyes, but he was looking down at my lips, his expression unreadable. "Gray..." "What about last night?" He asked again, then slowly looked up to meet my eyes. "Are you saying it was a mistake because you would rather risk my anger than my proximity?" "Gray." "An I that loathsome?" I bit down on my lips, then swallowed hard. "No. All I see is a hurt man who would rather be angry than allow himself to be hurt. And last night may have been instictive, but it wasn't a mistake." "Are you saying this just so you can have your way?" "No," I said, shaking my head, my eyes meeting his again. "You are hurt. I see that. And I certainly don't regret kissing you, Gray. I mean that." He leaned closer, like he couldn't risk anyone hearing what he was about to say. One thing I was gradually learning about Gray is just how much be needed to stay strong, despite it all. "If you know that I am hurt, why wouldn't you try and keep the ones who hurt me away?" "Maybe it would give you closure." "I don't do closure." "Maybe that's why you are still hurt. I am willing to work on this, like you said yesterday, but that begins with you. You can't go on carrying the weight of the pain others left on you. You will only break down faster." He didn't say a word for a very long while before he slowly moved away, his eyes holding mine. I wasn't sure what he was feeling or think of, as the grey swirls of his eyes cast them in shadows that were far too blurry for just anyone to read. "Have your way, then." My eyes widened, and I moved away from the pillar, taking a step towards him. "Are you serious?" He nodded. "Yes. Go open the door." I gave a big smile, then turned towards the door. Aunt Althea seemed just as surprised as she was happy, and she covered the distance to me. We went to the door, and after she showed me the right key, I skipped it into the keyhole, then opened it. The door opened, and I saw Aunt Maurine and Samantha turn towards it. They were both in clothes that were semi wet, and I didn't understand why they couldn't just wait in the car. Samantha gave a laugh and quickly ran in. I smiled at her, expecting for her to hug me, but shendidnt. She pushed right by me, causing me to fall to the floor. I gave a gasp and turned, just as she kaunched herself into Gray, her hands wrapping around his neck, her face burying in him. My lips parted a little, and Gray watched me, his eyes thin, dark, and carrying the simple words he didn't bother saying. I told you so.
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