Half-Eaten Croissant

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It took a long minute for the information to sink in. "Wait, Gray." Gray turned to me, his brow raised. "Yes?" I swallowed. "I have nothing to wear. I... I only have the dress I wore last night." He shrugged. "Wear it then. We can take care of it later." I nodded but stood there, still frozen. He turned his back to me as he walked away. He emerged wearing his clothes from yesterday again, his brows drawn. Without a word to me, he walked away, leaving the room and closing the door behind him. I immediately went to the floor on my knees, my hand coming to my chest, my heart beating wildly in my chest. What is this rather disconcerting feeling? What is this thing I feel with every kiss, every touch, every single time he is close? Every single time, he is right there, especially earlier, half naked, accessible. I shook my head and ran to the shower, hoping the heat would clear my thoughts off. It didn't. Hell, it only amplified them. It only made my knees weak, and I placed a hand on the wall so I wouldn't go down to the floor again. I took longer than I normally would, so I could organise my thoughts and be able to face him once more. Once I thought I was good enough, I walked out to the room, a towel wrapped around my chest. Gray was sitting on the edge of the bed, holding a glass of wine in his right hand, his eyes squinted as he read something on his phone. I slowly walked past him, then walked around. There was a whole spread of food on the bed, and he wasn't eating much, just slowly sipping wine. I swallowed hard, then slowly say on the other edge, my eyes looking down to my fingers. "Gray?" He didn't reply, but I saw him turn to me. "I am sorry I assumed the worst. I was just flustered, I guess." He said nothing and took a sip of his wine. Slowly he put it back on the tray and reached for the wine bottle from the ice bucket. He poured it into a glass and then leaned to me. "Wine?" I nodded, then collected it, my fingers lightly brushing his. I felt electricity run down my spine, my chest heaving hard as I took the glass and pulled away. He gave a small chuckle, and I turned fast enough to catch the ghost of a smile on his lips, his eyes resting on the glass he was holding. "What's funny?" I asked, slowly easing up. "You are sitting there in a towel, but you act like it is such an abomination to touch my finger." I bit down on my lips. "Is it an abomination to sit in a towel? It's not like anyone else is here. It's just my husband." He gave a small smack of his tongue, then met my eyes. "You should get used to saying that a lot more. You are going to have to do it a lot tonight." I nodded, sipping slowly on the wine. It was rather good, relative to my past experience with wine. "This is very good wine. I always thought wine was chronically sour." He shrugged. "You were just drinking the wrong wine." For some reason, it felt like he wasn't just talking about wine. "Where are we going tonight?" He shrugged. "The company organizes a ball every year on this date." "You never said anything about it." "Skipped my mind." I sipped the wine again, then slowly started to lean to grab one of the croissants. It was leaned on the edge towards him, and I stretched, trying my best to reach it. Gray watched me, his brows lightly furrowed as I tried to get to the croissant. It was annoying that I couldn't cross my legs on the bed because of the towel I was wearing, and I couldn't reach the croissant I wanted. Slowly, Gray picked a croissant, then brought it to my lips. I looked up, and he let his eyes slowly dart across both of mine, his hand holding the croissant lightly. I swallowed, and he broke into a smile. I watched him, completely enthralled as light spread to his eyes, and dimples sunk on either side of his cheeks. His canines were sharp, and his eyes looked like the sky would look right after rain. Beautiful. Precious. Perfect. My lips parted, and he slowly pushed the croissant between my lips. It was what jolted me, and I bit out of the croissant, then leaned away, my hand coming over my heart. I had no idea a smile could be that precious. No idea that a smile could set me off like that. No idea that a smile could do things to me. "Want more?" He asked, and I turned to him. Like a tease, he brought the croissant to his lips and took a bite, too. I felt my breath hitch and then turned away, trying to regulate my breath again. He didn't say anything else, as he kept slowly eating, his bites small. "That's mine," I said, my brows furrowing as I turned to him. He gave a small chuckle, then gave me the croissant. "It isn't an abomination to share with your husband." His face was neutral, his eyes ladden with mischief, and I knew he was trying to get under my skin. f**k, I think he already had. I took the croissant and turned away, and then, for the longest time, just stared at it. He had eaten a bit of it, and I slowly brought it to my lips, then took a bite. It tasted better than it did the first time I ate it, but I would be damned before he knew. I turned to him. He was now typing something on his phone, his glass of wine slowly swirling in his other hand. I would be damned before he knew I found more than just his eyes beautiful.
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