Stay Still

659 Words
I continued to eat slowly, and once I finished, I stood up while Gray simply leaned back. He was on a call now, and from his quipped answers, I could tell it was something related to the company or the ball they were throwing today. It wasn't even the end of the year or anything, and I began to wonder why they would throw a party every year on this date for no reason. I turned to Gray, but knowing him, he would never say more than he already had. At least, he was taking me with him. I would make sure to find out on my own. Not sure why I was suddenly so interested. I was probably trying to distract myself from Gray by thinking of just about anything else. I pulled my dress up and turned to the window as I reached for my zipper behind me. The bastard was stuck somewhere in the middle of my back, and I couldn't reach it from across my shoulder, and neither could I reach it from bottom. I gave a small hiss, then began to jump a little to fix it. "Stay still, sweetheart." I immediately stopped, my hands clasped in front of me. Gray came behind me and slowly pulled the zip up, his finger gently running across my back, preceeding my zipper. I turned to the right, my brows lightly furrowed, my lips slowly parting. He was focused, and he fixed the zip, then met my eyes. "Done," he said slowly, and I nodded slowly. He still had his hand on my shoulder, his fingers slowly pressed in my skin, his eyes holding mine. "Let's go." I nodded slowly, and he turned away. I immediately followed, grabbing anything of importance, which was just my shoes. I followed behind him, and he led us downstairs. He got his key from the valet, and he opened the door for me. I immediately got in, and he closed the door. He went around and got in, and the air immediately seemed to tense with the sudden proximity. It felt so charged with everything, charged with tension and desire, lust. I just hoped I wasn't the only one feeling these things. Gray backed out of the driveway and brought his hand to rest between us. He was leaned back, relaxed, his eyes focused on the road as he navigated the wheel with his right hand. "I didn't think you would be good with the wheel. You seem very good with your fingers." I froze, my eyes wide as I realized where that brought us to. He turned to me briefly, then gave a small smirk and turned away. I closed my eyes, forcing myself to stop cringing inside. I sometimes hated myself. The way I would say completely stupid things sometimes. Finally, we got to one of the larger designer malls. He parked in the driveway and slowly got out. I watched as he walked across, adjusting his shirt, his hair moving gently with the slow wind. He opened the door, then gave me his hand, his eyes boring into mine. I took his hand, and he led me into the mall. One of the attendants walked up to him, and she gave him a small, respectful bow. "You are here, sir. Thank you for coming. What can I help you with?" "I want her completely made over. From her toe to her hair. And then, a few dresses too." She nodded, and I expected him to hand me over to the attendant, but instead, he held my hand tight. "Will you..." "I will help her," he said, answering the attendant's unspoken question. She gave a smile, then nodded. "Please come with me." Gray gently pulled me with him, and I followed, completely floored. This would be the first time doing something like this, and... I looked down at our hands, and a blush immediately rose up to my cheeks.
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