Bonding over Trauma and Kisses

340 Words
"Is this why you asked me to pull over?" Gray asked after a long while. I slowly nodded. "You looked like you needed it." He gave a sigh, then brought his hand to slowly move my arms away from him. I leaned back, my eyes meeting his. "I am perfectly fine. This is not something I am new to." "Doesn't mean you can't get a hug for braving it." "I am man," he said, adjusting on his seat. "If this is what it would take for me to break, then who would lead the company? Who would maintain my parents' legacies?" I went silent, then slowly turned away. It was dark out, and even though Gray was saying all of that, his voice was more mellow than usual, and his shoulders had a small slack to them. "You know, Gray, I believed that too. Men should never have emotions because then, what will happen to us?" I turned to him, and he was watching me, his back resting on the seat, his hair slightly out of place. I slowly leaned forward without breaking eye contact and let my fingers slowly push his hair back. "But then I realized men are humans too. We all are. So, as your wife, Gray, if you find your battery running down, you can come and be tired with me. I will make sure to keep it a secret." He let his eyes dart slowly across both of mine before he reached out, his fingers pushing a loose strand of my hair back. "Kiss me," he whispered, his eyes holding mine in a dark, compelling gaze. His fingers were still lightly placed around my face, and I leaned forward. Maybe we were bonding over trauma and kissing for the sake of it, but I wasn't going to deny him this kiss. He tasted soft, manly, beautiful, and the way he cupped the back of my head, letting his fingers intertwine in my hair, it convinced me even more that I had made the right choice.
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