Independent Entities

1138 Words
I slowly removed the earrings, then the jewellery in my hair. I let it tumble down to my back, then swallowed, my eyes settling on my reflection. I turned slowly to the bed. Gray was sitting on the edge, taking a sip of something from a hip flask. I turned away, then slowly walked towards the walk-in closet. I stopped in front, unable to go back or forth. It was huge and filled with well arranged clothes all in monochrome colour. I slowly walked out again, my lips parting. Gray was still sitting, and I slowly walked to the bed. "Where... can I find something to change into?" "Wear whatever you see," he said slowly, turning to meet my eyes. I bit down on my lips. "Am I going to have my own clothes?" "Yes," he said simply, then dropped the hip flask. I nodded and turned away, my lips sucked in. I went to the illuminated closet and let my eyes skim through. There wasn't anything I could wear to bed, and I opted for a black robe. I got rid of the dress and slowly walked out towards Gray. He was now lying on his side, watching me as I walked out of the closet. I wondered if we were really going to share a bed, and if... I swallowed hard, my eyes meeting his. "Should... should I sleep on the floor?" "No," he said, closing his eyes. "I am not attracted to you in the least." I nodded. "I am glad we have that out of the way." He nodded. "I could still have you if I want." "But..." "To establish dominance," he said slowly. "Because I get to do whatever I want." "I will sleep on the floor." "You will not," he said, his eyes meeting mine in a chilling gaze. "You will sleep with me on this bed. I would hate to have to say it again." I bit down on my lips hard, then slowly covered the distance. I got in the bed, then turned away from him and put as much distance between us as I could. I stayed wide awake for the longest time, occasionally turning to see what he was doing. He was doing nothing at first, before slowly, he let his finger cover the distance, then gently play around with the long strands of my hair. I swallowed, closing my eyes. His probing was gentle, and he wasn't exactly touching me, just my hair. He said nothing, and for the longest time, he just played around with my hair till his breaths evened out, and he stopped. I turned around. His eyes were closed, his hand resting right on my hair, his lips set in a defiant straight line. I watched him keenly, my mind reeling. I wondered if he felt just as empty as I did inside. If he was as broken inside as I knew I was. Or maybe he had more time to prepare. He had known she had been cheating for a while. He had known she would leave him at the altar, too. Maybe he had time to process the heartbreak. I sighed, closing my eyes slowly, my chest heaving hard. Slowly, I drifted off to a sleep that was selfishly haunted by Kevin, and I wondered when the torture would end. I woke up to the sound of the door, my eyes squinting. The room was still a little dark, and I turned, my chest heaving. My eyes fluttered open, just as Gray stepped into the room from the bathroom, a robe wrapped around him, his hair damp and falling across his eyes. I slowly sat up, unable to go back to sleep for some reason. I watched as he grabbed a cup of beer from the mini bar, then downed it, his fingers moving through his hair to push it backwards. He dropped the cup, then sighed and walked towards the closet. I let out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding, my chest heaving. I got out of bed, then proceeded to arrange it, fixing the small misplaced items in the room. I slowly started to walk towards the bathroom, when I stopped, my eyes falling on Gray. He was right in the middle of the closet. He had worn a black pair or suit trousers, and black sjoes to go. He was shirtless, however, and I watched him, my brows furrowing. He had his back to me, and his skin was smooth, his fingers passing through his hair. The robe he had been wearing was on the floor, and he combed through his hair. My eyes fell on his back again. He was every inch the man he acted as, the muscles of his back moving with the way he moved his hands. I took in a deep breath, then slowly walked in. "Can...I help you out? You are doing a bad job at the back." He turned to me, then gave me the comb. I looked down at it, and I couldn't help the small laugh that escaped me. "Do you have anything else?" His eyes never changed as he walked towards the drawers. He pulled one, and in it were rows and rows of styling combs. "You don't know how to use these?" I asked, pcking out the combs. "This nosiness is the reason you helped your boyfriend cheat on you." My lips parted, the hurt rippling through my chest. "That was... I was just trying to help." "Of course," he said simply, his eyes holding mine. "I hate the nosiness, however. You and I are not friends." I swallowed. "Fine. Style your hair to look like a f*****g clown." His brow rose, but I dropped the combs and started to walk away, passing by him. It was probably the rage, but I didn't see the robe on the floor till my right foot was caught in it, and it sent me reeling backwards, my eyes wide, an ungraceful yelp leaving my lips. Gray, however, grabbed me, his hand wrapping around my waist tight, his body hovering lightly above me. I swallowed, meeting his eyes. "This is being nosy," I said, giving him back the words he had dished out to me. He nodded, a wicked smirk lifting his lips. "Perfect," he said before letting me go. I fell on the floor hard, my back feeling like it was going to c***k. I gave a small groan, trying my hardest to keep the pain in, my teeth gritted hard. "I will assume we are independent entities from now on," he said, crossing over me. I turned to him, my chest heaving with both pain and annoyance. I picked myself up from the floor, and with clenched fists and a silent resolve, I walked away.
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