Escape Plan

944 Words
"What are you doing here?" The bride asked me, her eyes wide. I swallowed hard, then took a step away from her, my breath failing me. "I...I swear, I...I did not hear a thing. I swear. You asked for a cocktail and..." Before I could finish it, she covered the distance between us, then grabbed my hand and pulled me in. She closed the door, then locked it again, her eyes meeting mine. "What..." "I know you heard it. And I am not about to play innocent." I swallowed. "You are cheating." "You do not know me. You do not know what I have been through, just trying to stay his friend. You do not know what it has been like. Don'tjudge me for not wanting the rest of my life to end up like that." I brought my hand to my forehead. "Why are you telling me this?" She watched me for a while, then swallowed. Slowly, she went down on her knees, her hands resting on each knee, tears running down her carefully made-up face. "What are you doing?" "Please help me. Please. You really need to help me, or I could really die. I swear, I have someone else I am in love with..." "What do you want me to help you do? Run away from your husband when I am supposed to be catering for the event?" I watched her bite down on her lower lip before she gave a small sigh. "How would you feel when you find out that I committed suicide? How would you feel when you know you could have helped me but chose not to because that wasn't what you were getting paid for?" "What are you saying?" "Please, help me. Please, I...I beg of you, please. I will remember you forever. I swear." I swallowed. I was knee-deep in this mess simply because I had been too eager to deliver a cup. Now, it seemed like she hadn't really needed it and simply wanted to get that phone call. "How do you intend to leave?" I asked her, my hand raking through my hair. "I...I don't know. He was going to come, but...I cant even go past the door." "Why?" She bit down on her lower lip. "Gray is in the next room. And...he really does keep a gun, I swear it. I have seen it countless times whenever he got angry, whenever I so much as picked a call he did not approve of. I swear, I am going to die if I really marry him." She shook her head, then brought her hands to her face, her body shaking with what I knew for sure to be tears. "I...I really can't.. what if we get caught? There has to be CCTV cameras..." "There are none, I swear. Gray does not like it, so he got them all removed after he returned from the psychiatric hospital. I swear." I watched her for a while, then slowly went on my knees. "You need to give me a foolproof plan, and I will help you. I do not know the house like you do." She sniffed, then quickly nodded. "I...I wanted to leave through the door on the left. It used to be a door but it was closed for...unknown reasons. From there, I can go downstairs. But I can't do that in this dress." I swallowed. This is completely wrong. Even if he was a psycho, wasn't my place to interfere. It definitely wasn't my place to help her escape. But how can I refuse her? What if something happens? What if she really does commit suicide? I don't think I will be able to live with myself knowing I could have helped her while she was still sane. I clenched my teeth, a mannerism I always did minutes before I made a bad decision. "I will give you my dress," I said determinedly, my chest lightly heaving. "I will give you this. No one will know you are not part of the hands." She nodded fast and hard. "Yes, but... what about you? You need to come with me." I nodded. "I have a small dress in my bag. I will get it in a minute, then help you out." She grabbed my hand, her eyes flooding with fresh tears. "You don't know what you have done for me. I swear, you don't." I forced a small smile, then stood up. "I will be back." She nodded again, and I walked away, closing the door behind me. I picked up the broken glass, then walked back down. "I am sorry, this broke. But... she still needs a drink, so I will take it up." "Be careful this time," the kitchen head said as I grabbed my bag. "Those cups are expensive." "Yes, sir. I will be careful." I walked briskly down the large hall, then took the stairs again. My heart was thumping hard and fast in my chest, and I could feel my body turn to literally fluid. I almost backed out, but I closed my eyes and walked inside, my chest tight. She was now sitting on the edge of the bed and had gotten rid of the wedding dress. She was petite, and she gave me a smile, then slowly stood. I immediately got out of the uniform, then handed it to her. "Thank you so much..." she trailed off, and I realized that was a request for my name. "Evangeline," I said, grabbing my other dress. "Evangeline Hendricks." She smiled sweetly. "I will never forget you, Evangeline. I swear." I nodded. "Let's get you out of here first."
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