The Bride

1253 Words
It is finally Saturday, and I do owe some sort of thanks for going through it. I gave a small sigh. Kelvin was in bed beside me, his eyes closed as he slept peacefully, his breaths even. I would do anything to be that peaceful. But well, he is not the one who has to deal with his own mother. At least, not the way that I have to deal with her. I rubbed my eyes, then got off the bed, skipping the customary kiss on the cheek that would wake him up. Right now, I had other things to do, and I could not afford to be here, acting all lovey dovey. I washed my face in the skin, grateful the water was still on, then grabbed a towel. I had marked today's date on my calendar, as I took the cold shower, I hoped by the end of today, I would have earned enough to make me feel like I am making some sort of progress with the wedding arrangements. I sighed again, then walked out. Kelvin was sitting up now, his curly black hair all over the place, his hand rubbing his eyes. It was all worth it. For him. Those little things he did when he did not realize I was watching, they were the most endearing. Against my gloomy self, I walked to him, then leaned, kissing his lips. He seemed genuinely surprised, and I smiled against his lips. "Good morning, baby." "You didn't wake me up today," he grumbled, his eyes lifting to mine, his hand resting on my slightly damp shoulder. "I wanted to run." "Run? Where?" I sighed. "There is a wedding. They hired Amy's workplace for catering, but they need extra hands. Turns out the wedding is really huge. So they let me join." His hands wrapped around my waist. "Aren't you just the best girlfriend out there?" "I happen to really want to marry the best boyfriend out there." He chuckled, then leaned forward to me, placing a small kiss on the corner of my lips. "I will make sure to come back early so you have dinner and a hot bath." "Thank you," I said, smiling as he finally let go of me. I grabbed a simple dress, one that would be easy to wear and remove since I knew they had uniforms, then threw it over my head. Once I was set, I went back to Kelvin who had succumbed to sleep again. He could be excused, anyway. He worked in his mother's retail company, and I bet no one would caution him for being late. I didn't have the same luxury. I placed a quick kiss on his cheek, then walked away. I caught the bus, and arrived at the Continental in a few minutes. They were getting ready, and the kitchen was busy. I only had enough time to change and say a hurried hi to Amy, before I was shoved to the back to change. I folded my other clothes, then joined them as they started to put everything in the trucks. Once we were done, we took a company car. The wedding will be held in the large hall in the Gray estate. I have vaguely heard of the Grays, especially from Kelvin when he had been trying to gain a contract from them. He never did, but he came off it with a deep respect for them. Or maybe their money. The money did speak way before they had to. I gave a sigh, my eyes darting to the menu we would be using. Above it were the names of the bride and groom. Samantha Hastings and Gray Gavin. She must be one lucky girl. Not like I envied her, but maybe I wished I could get married that seamlessly. I shook my head, putting my thoughts together. We soon got to a large gate. For a considerable distance behind the gate, there was nothing at all, but rows and rows of large trees. "Damn, that's some estate." I turned to the girl who had commented, and gave a small sigh. "Well, definitely. The place is so big they can hold such a big wedding in the house. I heard the entire thing is happening there because the groom is a pesky little thing who has to have things his way." "How so?" The first girl shrugged, and I turned away, paying only a bit of attention to their gossip. "Well, you see...the bride is her childhood friend. It is not a love marriage, and they are only getting married because they believe she can keep him in check." "In check?" I asked, unable to help it. "Mhm," she answered immediately. "He is a little...crazy. Sadistic so to say." My eyes squinted. Hell, I guess even people so rich have their own demons. I could only imagine what she was feeling. What if she did not want to be the woman who would keep him in check? I cleared my head of the thoughts as we came in front of the large estate. It was designed like a medieval castle, but much, much prettier, with a touch of modern architecture. My lips parted as we got down. The fountain poured into three pools with black, red and blue tiles, tainting the color of the water. The ceilings were a beautiful dome style, and lights hung from them. The door opened for us. It was a large medieval style door too, and I could see that whoever had designed the house was an old soul. We were immediately taken to the hall. It was as big as any event center out there, and I gasped at the decorations. They hung from everywhere, real roses filling the room. We walked around the partition put between for the entrances. It was glass, bordered by black beautiful roses on each side. So much beauty for a marriage that was... "Please bring a cocktail to the bridal room!" I turned. The order wasn't specifically for anyone, but I was right in front of the cocktail table. "Coming!" I yelled back, and I saw the wave of hand that approved my gesture. I grabbed a tray, then put a tall cocktail glass on it, and slowly started to make my way through. I stopped to ask for directions, and they showed me to the room on the second floor. I took the stairs, my lips pursed as I went to the door. It was labelled, and I balanced the tray on one hand, then got ready to knock. I stopped however, when the voices in the room reached my ears. "I...I can't do this. I can't get married simply because I am his friend. For goodness sake. He will kill me. He keeps a gun and I swear, I am scared. You are the one I love. I can't..." I took a step back, my eyes wide. The bride? "When?" I heard her voice again. "Please come get me. It will start in an hour and I would rather die." I gave a small gasp, my hand unconsciously leaving the tray. It clattered noisily to the floor, and the cocktail glass shattered into pieces Shit. I went on my knees and started to pick, hoping she wouldn't come out to see me here. But it seemed the heavens had other plans as the door suddenly swung open, and she stood there, her mascara running down her face, her eyes. reddened with tears.
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