Good Girl

1045 Words
I swallowed, nodding slowly. "I don't even have a choice. Kevin left me none." "He is dead," Gray said, his voice cold as he slowly walked up to me. I watched him as he covered the distance, till I could feel the heat of his body, till there was almost nothing between us. "I am the one who stands in front of you, Evangeline. I am your husband now." I nodded, and my grip on the keys loosened a little. All of the resolve I had racked up in order to come to him had dissolved in the face of reality. If I continued being naive and gave up my space to Samantha, the space she had so willingly switched at first, the space she was only coming back to because Kevin was dead, I would end up stranded once again. I will end up alone again. I will end up with no one. Gray slowly raised his hands to either side of my face but didn't touch me, his eyes holding mine in an intense gaze. "Can I?" He asked in a small whisper, and I swallowed hard, almost scorching my throat. He was my husband now. No matter how unconventional this was, he was still my husband. I slowly nodded, and he moved a little closer. His hands, much softer and gentler than I expected, cupped both sides of my face, and for a moment, he let me ease into his touch. I sighed, meeting his eyes again, reading through the colours and the depth. He let me do it for a while before he leaned into me, his lips slightly parting. My eyes closed, and my hands rested on his shoulder as I felt his breath, hot and fragrant against my skin. I instantly relaxed, only to be fired up again as his lips gently brushed mine. I could hear the way he said my name in that one touch, the subtlety of his presence, and hopefully, the light beneath all of his darkness. The light that I hoped to find. My fingers gently grabbed a handful of his shirt, in the process, digging into his skin. He took it as a sign and acted accordingly, parting my lips with his as he gently, slowly kissed me. I felt my knees weaken, my eyes closing as I leaned into the kiss I had neither expected nor hated. Kevin flashed at the back of my mind, but I kept it away, knowing it hadn't been the same for gim when he had cheated with Samantha. I felt bile rise up my throat, and maybe as a form of revenge or hate, I leaned into the kiss even more, kissing Gray a little harder than he had started the tempo at first. He didn't object at first, and his hand left my cheek to rest on the small of my back. He pulled me closer to his body, his lips parting mine wider, his hand digging into my skin through my dress. Before I knew it, my back was resting on the edge of his desk, and my breaths were short, tears filling my eyes. He broke the kiss, but I needed this too much. I needed it more than I needed to breathe, to feel. I needed it more than I knew myself. I pulled him back to me, my hand cupping the nape of his neck, my head tilting to the right, my fingers gently caressing the open skin where he had left two of his shirt buttons open. He didn't object and helped me sit on the edge of the table. My legs wrapped around him, as uis hand gently cupped my thigh. A sudden knock broke the reverie, however, and Gray slowly leaned away. I could see his breathlessness match mine, and he leaned to me, his forehead resting on mine, his hand still on my thigh. He let out a small sigh, then released me, his eyes opening to meet mine. I knew I looked a little disoriented, maybe a little too willing for someone who had been against this marriage, but he didn't seem to hate it. For the first time ever, he gave me a very small smile before he turned away and walked to the door. "Sir, Madam Maurine and Madam Samantha are outside on the front porch. It is raining heavily, and Madam Althea has asked for the keys." I sat there, my fingers feeling the keys that were still in my hand, the tingle of his lips against mine, the feeling of his hand on my thigh. Slowly, Gray turned to me, his eyes demanding something, but I wasn't quite sure. "Gray?" Came Aunt Althea, probably since she wasn't getting a response from the maid. "Maurine and Samantha are outside. It is a thunderstorm, and please, you need to let them in. I beg of you, Gray. You can send them out tomorrow. Please, Gray." He was still looking at me, and I found myself torn between my desire to keep my space and my human compassion. Aunt Althea turned to me, and even though I saw the slight confusion that passed her face, it was obvious she had more pressing topics in mind. "Do you know where the keys are, my dear?" I swallowed hard, then turned to Gray again, my lips parting. His eyes had thinned a little, his lips parting in a rather mischievous smile. His eyes darted between my eyes, and then slowly down my lips. Slowly, I moved my hand behind me, the keys jingling a little against the mahogany. "No, Aunt. I don't know where the keys are." Her brows furrowed, and she turned to Gray again, realizing he was still her last and only resort. "Gray, please..." "That's enough, Aunt. I am busy." Before she could protest, the door closed, and her voice was cut off from the both of us. Gray turned to me and slowly covered the distance again. He let his fingers gently caress my face as he pushed my hair away, his eyes holding mine. "Good girl," he whispered as he covered the distance again, his lips taking mine a bit harder now, his hand cupping my thigh and guiding it around him.
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