The Dance of Truth

1007 Words
I looked down at his hand, then at his face. His features were far too well put together for him to be such a f****d up psycho. "I don't care for a dance with you, but do I have a choice?" He gave a chuckle. "It's nice that you know that you don't. Your hand." I gritted on my teeth hard, then slowly gave him my hand. His fingers clasped lightly around my hand, and he pulled me towards the large hall. The people were seated now, with the aesthetics far different from the ones in the other hall. I wondered what they were doing with so many halls in the house. The lights dimmed, and a light brows spotlight came to illuminate us. I swallowed and turned to him, but his gaze was fixed straight ahead, his eyes cold. I turned away, cursing under my breath. The dance floor was empty, and a pianist was lightly leading his hand to play a harmony of the moonlight sonata piano piece. Quite beautiful, but the man was out of place. Or maybe I was the one who was critically out of place. Maybe I was the one who did not belong at all. He slowly twirled me and then brought my other hand to rest on his shoulder. His actions were gently, with no emotions attached, but gentle nonetheless. Slowly, he brought his hand to cup my waist, and he met my eyes before applying a bit of pressure to it. Gently, he pulled me even closer, then slowly started to move with me. I fell into a sync he was somehow forcing me into, his fingers gently brushing the back of my hand, sometimes following the outline of my veins. "You move on fast," I said, meeting his eyes. "You replaced your bride in a few seconds." "I hear it's a good thing." I swallowed. "Replacing your bride?" He met my eyes. "Yes." I slowly shook my head. "She probably knew she was so disposable to you, and that was why she decided to leave." "Hm," he said, raising a brow. "Her loss." "You really think a man who forces a literal stranger to marry him seconds after his bride left, without even grieving, and then proceeds to hold said stranger at gun point..." He suddenly forced me to lean back, his hand wrapped around my back, my eyes wide as his body hovered slowly above mine. "You talk too much," he said, caressing my face with just two fingers. "I hate it." "Then let me go. I never wanted to be here." "You mean a divorce? Well, no. And, yes, Evangeline. That is to answer your question. I am a loss to every woman who walks out on me. Including you." I blinked, my chest heaving. My eyes slowly moved to my hand. It was holding on to his shoulder tight as a survival instinct. I bit down on my lip and turned back to him. He slowly leaned forward to me, his face going to my right ear, his lips lightly brushing my face. I moved away a little, but he moved even closer, letting out a small laugh. "And you might want to go home, Angeline. That would be the last time you would be there. I bet you would run back to the waiting car once you go in there." I turned to him. "How do you know about me?" "You took quite a while to get dressed. Enough for me to know about you and to know you. You are quite the naive type. The type that only sees the surface. The type that things are easily hidden right under her nose. Maybe that is why you boldly assumed that I didn't know that Samantha would leave me at the altar." I swallowed hard. "You... you knew?" He smiled. "She was cheating. Has been for a year. She found some mummy's boy to cater for her. Coincidentally, he had someone else, too. What is the saying about birds of a feather again?" I swallowed, my chest heaving. Why did I feel... almost lied to? "What... what are you trying to say?" He chuckled, then leaned to the other side of my face. "I bet you are still thinking of your fiancee right now." He placed a small kiss on my shoulder, then laughed against my skin. "But he wasn't with you on the twelfth of this month, was he?" I turned to him. "Twelfth?" He raised a brow, and I let my mind reel. Twelfth. Exactly eight days back. "He had a meeting on that day and..." He laughed again, then moved to lightly kiss my cheek. "I love innocence, but you are bordering on stupidity. I do like how it is you here, though. I am not a philosopher, but I like seeing people gain life changing lessons." My face went pale, and I swallowed, then immediately stood, his hands falling away from me. He slowly tilted his head to the right, and the music stopped, the lights coming back in. Some announcement was going on, and I could see waiters going around, but all I could see was him. My chest heaved, and I turned slowly to the door, my eyes wide. My heart felt too big for my chest, and it felt like my bones were squeezing into it, threatening to burst it open. My lips parted slowly, and tears filled my eyes fast. My mind went back to the car that had come to pick Samantha. The tint. The familiar bracelet. My lips parted even wider as my mind reeled again. That night eight days ago. The bracelet Kelvin had come back wearing. The one he said he had gotten from playing a street game. Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to Gray, and he smiled. "My driver is waiting with the limo." I swallowed, then ran out of the hall, grabbing my dress in my hands, my lips moving in a silent prayer.
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