Shattered Glass

578 Words
"Your hair is done. I will start on your makeup now." I nodded, then turned. The couch was still empty, and I let out a small sigh, my chest heaving with a bit of disappointment. I was not sure why I felt disappointed. Maybe because I wanted Gray to be here? Maybe because I wanted to see him? I shook my head and forced a small smile as the attendant got ready to apply my make up. It was slow. She was focused, and through the gradual processes of her highlighting my dark green eyes with dark makeup around my eyes, giving my lashes volume and curling them upwards, adding a bit more pink to my lips to make it a sexy, dark pink that would match my dress, and then adding a glossy finish to it, I waited for Gray. By the time she was done, I had slowly come to terms with the possibility that he might have opted to wait in the car or had something better to do with his time. Both thoughts stung, and I wasn't even sure why. She finished with my nails and feet, then stepped away with a smile. "What do you think?" I let my eyes take my reflection in. I looked beautiful. Like a bride. This was vaguely what was in my imagination every single time I thought of my wedding. It didn't end up being like this, but now... "It's beautiful. Thank you very much." She chuckled. "You did me a huge favour. I don't know what I would have done had I lost this job." I smiled again, and she ushered me towards a smaller door. "Let me take you to the dressing room." I nodded, then followed obediently, my heart still a bit heavy. I wondered where Gray was, what he could be doing. Why he left so suddenly without a word. We finally got to the dressing room, and she opened the door. It led right behind the curtains instead of the main dressing room, and I walked in. My dress was carefully hanging in there, and she came to help me get dressed. I slipped it on, and the dress followed my curves to the very end, the dips and the edges. I ran my hands over the material, and I let my eyes fall on my reflection. I looked very different. She finally zipped me up, and I turned fully towards the mirror. "You look so beautiful, Ma'am." I smiled, agreeing. I felt very beautiful too. "Thank you for your effort." She giggled, and I smiled, then slowly walked towards the curtains. I sighed, then pulled it open and stepped out, half of my heart hoping Gray would be sitting on the other side, the otber half accepting that he wasn't. I slowly stepped out, my eyes lowered as I smoothened the dress over my body, my mind unaware of the surroundings. I was suddenly jolted to attention as a glass shattered on the floor, the noise penetrating the entire room. I looked up, my eyes wide, only to see Gray. He was sitting on the couch, boxes after boxes of shoes on the floor next to him, and a particular block heel sandal sitting on the couch next to him. I met his eyes, and he had a soft, surprised look, his lips slightly parted, his hand still held in the shape of the glass he had just let go of.
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