Your new home

1227 Words
A queen for the king Episode 3 Your new home Lee soo got up early and met her uncle's chariot outside waiting for her she was instructed not to take any of her commoners clothes. She was going to be living in the palace until her wedding day,it was still like a dream to her she would be the next queen of this kingdom but she wasn't happy because she was leaving love behind she turned to look at her house one more time and she saw Tan and her best friend mi na standing in a distance she ran and hugged her friend. " if I knew you were a noble born I wouldn't have cursed you mi na said jokingly. Lee soo wasn't happy she also was lying to her friend. " To you am not she hugged her tight " Hey can I come visit you at the palace mi na said " Anytime The two friends wept bitterly. Lee soo looked at Kim Tan and touched his hair. " You are a handsome man you will surely find love again she wanted to hug him but couldn't because of some palace guards who came to accompany her. " I have to go now she smiled at him and hugged mi na and she whispered in her ears " Take care of him and please help him find love and she left . Lee soo arrived at the palace,Wo yeo mother, Lady Dam who was now her personal maid and two other maids where waiting for her she couldn't see her proposed husband. " You are such a beauty,Thank you Lady Dam The queen mother smiled. " it's a pleasure my queen. " Its nice to see you again my queen Lee soo bow. " No you can call me mother, you two take her to her chambers once again you are welcome my child . Lee soo was walking to her chambers and she looked around maids where following her but she was just e commoner she felt guilty. Her eyes caught up Wo yeo who was in the field practicing with his bow and arrow,he saw her and showed no concern . she hated the fact that this marriage wasn't based on love. " my lady we are here a maid woke her up from her thoughts. " Oh fine you don't have to carry my things any more I will take it from here Lee soo insisted " No my lady the girls said with their heads down. " What are you doing there just standing a voice shouted at the maid it was the second prince. " Oh I told them I can carry it from here Lee soo said " impressive but no you are royalty come on let them do their job Wo shin the second prince said " Why are you all standing Wo yeo walked in. And Everyone bowed. " Why are you not relaxing you said the journey was a long one Wo yeo said His eyes scared Lee soo, it was sending a wrong message, it was cold and mean Lee soo just entered her room and slammed the door. " why does he stare at people like that she sighed " You scared her away woo shin said " And what are you doing here Wo yeo said " I came to welcome the new bride he put his hands across Wo yeo shoulder. Wo shin and Wo yeo were best of friends unlike the rest brothers they were close. " You know I hate that Wo yeo removed his hands from his shoulder. " How will you be a good husband to her she looks really nice Wo shin said " I Prefer to be a good king Wo yeo said " You really are one mean guy Wo shin said " Are you in for a sword duet Wo yeo said " This palace is really boring so am in Wo shin grabbed a sword The two brothers were clinching swords in the front of Lee soo's chambers and she came out in fear " Are you guys fighting she said The two princes stopped they didn't realize that they were still at her chambers " Go back to your rest we are leaving Wo yeo said " I wasn't really resting its boring in there she said " I know right do you want to join us Wo shin said " Why are you so dumb she is a woman and a wife to be you know she can't Wo yeo said " I am really good but if you say so can I just watch Lee soo said. " Of course let's do it at the garden Wo yeo, Wo shin said. " After two rounds I leave Wo yeo said " You are too busy these days but two rounds is fair enough. Wo yeo and Wo shin was battling at the garden " A very fine woman mother found for you Wo shin said " All women are pretty to you shin Wo yeo said. " Yes we should adore them just like you should be to her shin said " instead of praising someone else's wife concentrate and don't lose in front of her Wo yeo said " You guys are not even married yet but she will make a good wife am not sure about you Wo shin said Wo yeo pinned Wo shin down with his sword " Your husband is really strong Wo shin said to Lee smiled " Yea I can see that she smiled. " Am done here Wo yeo walked out " You will get used to him Wo shin said to Lee soo " Am not sure she frowned " So I guessed your father taught you the ways of the swords Wo shin said " You know my father she said " Yeah I saw him with you the other day " Actually a friend taught me she was referring to Tan. " I want to see your skills Wo shin handed over a sword to her " You bet I will Lee soo accepted. Wo shin was surprised that a noble born could do this " Are you crazy shin,battling with Wo yeo wife to be The third prince walked in " Wo eun you want to join he smiled " And let Wo yeo cut off my head I disagree wo eun said " is he that mean Lee soo said " So sorry don't get scared you are welcome am Wo eun the third prince he smiled. " Thank you so much she smiled " is like we have a baby sister The first prince walked in Am Woo Tan the first prince he smiled Lee soo face countenance changed it was the same name with her lover " Nice to meet you all she smiled " why does that jerk has to be so lucky and get a really pretty girl Wo eun said " Why are you all standing here Wo yeo walked in " just adoring our queen to be Wo Tan smiled. " let's go Wo yeo said " What is her name Wo shin said Silence was in the room no one here knew her name. Soo just stood numb
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