
A queen for the king

crown prince

Wo yeo is the crown prince of Goreyo kingdom, He is about to be king when his father reigning season pass but for him to be crowned he needs a queen.

Lee soo is a commoner,She is arranged to marry the crown Prince by her aunt who is the chief maid for the crown prince mother. Meanwhile Lee soo is in love with a village baker. Soo disguises as a daughter of a knight who initially is her uncle. Soo moves in with the Royal household for the courting process, Trouble strikes when Kim Tan her lover comes to the palace and also disguises as a body guard

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A queen for the king
A queen for the king Episode 1 The beginning Once upon a time or should I say once upon a kingdom,There was a strong king the ruler and emperor of Goreyo,king Lee shin was a handsome king so he married more than one wife, And his wife all took in during one season and they all give birth on the same day.The kingdom now has four crown Prince and only one can inherit the throne so a battle was set up for the throne when they all turned twenty. " My son you have to be the king the first prince mother told her son. And so did all the queen except the youngest she didn't want her son to be hurt. " Woe yo please don't try too hard to gain the throne,being a prince is enough his mother said " And look like a loser no way he said sharpening his swords The whole villagers gathered to watch the battle, It wasn't a good scene blood was flowing,swords clashing, one prince down, So the other and another. Woe yo won.Everyone stood up to crown the new prince. Wo yeo was talking to his mom in his chambers when his father sent for him. " Wo yeo my son, just like your mother you are a sun flower in a rose garden,you are different and great. You have succeeded my throne but you also have one finished task . " What is it father Wo yeo asked " A queen my son his father said. Wo yeo went back to his chambers in a bad mood, he didn't have any woman in his life and now a queen.he informed his mom and she told her chief maid. " lady Dam there is a problem, I need a wife for my son Wo yeo mother said Lady Dam was the aunt of Lee soo,she was a pretty girl and her aunt wanted something amazing for her niece. " Ahh my cousin he has a daughter and she is due for marriage lady Dam lied " Really you know only noble borns are allowed to marry royalty she said. " My cousin is a knight that is a noble born right lady Dam said " Lady Dam I will inform my son she smiled Lady Dam went to her home but didn't find her niece She went to the village bakery and found Lee soo with Kim tan her lover " Now listen to me Young man Lee soo will be married in no time so piss off,now Lee soo lets go " Mother why are you speaking this way and Tan I will see you later okay,she waved him. " mom what was the meaning of that stunt you pulled earlier Lee soo said. " Oh I wasn't kidding, the prince needs a wife she said Lee soo burst into laughter " Mother you are so funny I am a commoner she laughed " why am I called Lee Dam, now listen you will be my cousin's daughter, you know Lord Frederick,The only noble born in our family,Soo your mother my sister on her death bed told me to take care of you and I don't have the resources to do that imagine being the queen my child Lady Dam said " Mother you know am in love with Kim Tan she frowned " Shut your mouth, your mother died because she couldn't afford an antidote to treat herself and she said to me do not let my daughter suffer like her did Lee Dam said in tears Lee soo was sober hearing her mom's word changed her mind although she was in love with Kim Tan she didn't knew her fate. " But how am I supposed to be the daughter of our uncle when am not she said " Leave that to me get ready you are leaving for your uncle's place tomorrow. I have to hurry back to the palace. " okay mother Lee soo sat outside her home she was sober,her aunty was putting her life in danger to make her mother's wish come true so who is she not to comply. " I can't believe this she gazed at the sun. **The palace** The crown prince and his mother was taking a stroll around the palace . " Son I got you a bride His mom said " So fast He replied " Yes well she's pretty as I heard His mom said " As you heard Wo yeo gasped " Well Lady Dam said she is his niece and she is not a commoner and her father is a knight Wo yeo mother explained " Mom is not about the fact that she is a noble born,okay what if I had a commoner I loved Wo yeo said His mom let out a long laughter. " Mom what's funny Wo yeo said " No you just said what if you had a commoner you loved it's funny,You barely come out and the last time I gave you a woman, you called her a monkey His mom laughed " Well she was being nosy and that's what monkeys do they jump around where they are not wanted Wo yeo said " You are so mean why son " Am not mean it's called being fearless Wo yeo said " For crying out loud, you scare people away and please be nice to this one His mom asked " Moooom how hard can it be " it's marriage son not some child's play " Then why did you arranged someone who I don't know " Son you just said it's not going to be hard and it takes a second to fall in love His mom knew his son has hope of falling in love she could see it in his eyes thou she was doubtful when but she just had a feeling this was the one . " Mom what are you thinking about " Your future His mom said "Hmmmmm mom when I become king,All of these barbaric rules will end Wo yeo said " I was just a concubine and now I am going to be a queen mother she held her son's hand. " I see the way you are treated mom and I hate it " Son at least you will rule better because you will be a good King she hugged him

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