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CHAPTER TEN “Bees are so interesting.” As Reggie explained his fascination with the flying insects, he walked between Enrique and Madeleine. The boy found wonder in everything—from a rosebud opening to a bird flying overhead. Enrique envied that ability. Alejandro had been the same way as a child. “Each bee has a job to keep the hive going.” Reggie stopped to sniff a rose. “I’d like to work with a beekeeper to learn more about them. But my mom said it’s too dangerous.” “Because of your heart?” Enrique asked. “A combination of things,” Reggie said in a matter-of-fact tone. “I take medicine for my heart and have to be careful, but I’m allergic to bees. I told my mom not everyone gets stung. She still said no.” “Mothers worry,” Madeleine explained. “I’m older than you, but mine still wa

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