Chapter 24 - First Trouble (3)

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"Young master, is it really okay for me to have all of this?" Telph looked flustered as he tried to carefully arrange the clothes Cain had brought to his room so early in the morning. Those clothes were the ones that Filzer had bought on a whim. The clothes didn't Filzer nor Cain because they were sized, which turned out to be good because Telph was now with them. "Yeah, the old man bought it, but since it's rather small for both of us, we never get to use it. And since you don't have any clothes at the moment, you can have those. But if you don't want those, then we can buy new ones-" Cain pointed at the stacks of clothes on the bed with his chin. "No, young master! These clothes are already too much for someone like me!" Telph didn't let Cain finish his sentence and spoke. "Well, if that's what you want. Also, in this mansion, you should never look down on yourself or on any of us living here. Remember that I picked you because you have talent. The only thing left is for you to show effort and work hard to improve that talent of yours." "Yes, young master!" Telph looked at Cain with awe in his eyes. Like a child watching as the famed hero passes by him. Cain felt burdened because of Telph's gaze and looked away. "Get dress. We'll go to the market and buy the things you'll need. You need to learn how to trade so we can build a merchant's guild and have you take over it." Cain said, and went out. "Yes, young master!... Wait, what?!!" Telph paused. Cain's words seemed to not have sank into his mind for a second or two. Cain, who had already shut the door behind him, chuckled. If Filzer had heard his chuckle he would have gotten goosebumps in his draconic body. Well, he really did as he had good sense. Filzer flinched and almost spilled the coffee he was drinking. "Better avoid that kid for now." Filzer put the cup down and wiped his mouth. Unfortunately for Filzer, Cain came knocking on his door as soon as he said those words. "Hey, gramps, can you build a small stable at the back? We need some horses for traveling. This mansion is also outside the city, so it'll be pretty convenient for us, don't you think?" Cain opened the door without waiting for Filzer's answer. "Hmph, you always make me do some work!" Filzer turned his head away. Cain titled his head, confused by Filzer's grumpy attitude in the morning. "Please? I'll buy us lunch later and some groceries later." Due to Cain's plea(?), Filzer couldn't help but agree. It seemed like the ancient Dragon was still weak, seemed for the word, 'gramps', and Cain, to knew this very well, took advantage of it. Cain sensed Filzer's agreement and turned to the door, but before he could take three steps, Filzer called his name. Cain felt something flying towards him from behind. He turned around and caught the thing that was about to hit him in a flash. He stared at the item he had just caught. It was another pouch. It looks exactly like the one Filzer gave him as a gift yesterday. "For the groceries," Filzer said with indifference, and sipped his coffee. Cain smiled slightly as he breathed out and continued on his way. Filzer watched the door closing for a few seconds. His draconic senses were telling him that Cain and Telph had gone to the city. His coffee had gone cold. "Then, should I go greet my oh-so esteemed guests?" Filzer sighed and stood up. And with a flick of his finger, the robe which he had been wearing earlier now turned into a pair of clothes befitting of his handsome and dignitized figure. He sensed the presence of more than a dozen people right in front of his estate's gate. He teleported himself to the other side of the gate and looked at the man who was riding a horse wearing a dress shirt which almost looked like it was made of gold. 'Hoho. It's been a long time since someone provoked me like this.' Filzer laughed internally at the clothes the man was wearing. "I greet the Marquis." Filzer bowed his head while keeping his composure, which was not too hard for him to do. 'He should be able to entertain me for a while.' Filzer thought. He couldn't stop the smirk from appearing, which made Marquis Heloin irked. However, besides the feeling of irked, Marquis Heloin was sweating rather profusely. 'This man is a Great Mage. A servant of the Count of Stan…' Marquis Heloin was feeling nervous. Being in front of Filzer, the Marquis felt a dignified aura which even the king didn't have. The Marquis knew that if anyone was to hear his thoughts he would have been branded as a traitor, but at the same time, they would have agreed with him. "I came to visit Count Stan and lead him to where he is. To think that he wouldn't greet me personally and make me come to him is a disrespect to someone with a higher rank than him!" Marquis Heloin stated and got off of his horse. He stood a metre away from Filzer and looked down on him as he still had his head down. "Whatever do you mean, Marquis Heloin? The Count of Stan is standing before you." Filzer raised his head and smiled as he spoke. Although his smile was refreshing, a cold aura was being emitted from his entire body. Deep inside Filzer, he had been laughing himself off to the point where he would actually croak from being out of breath. He was having a better time than he had actually expected. Looking at the Marquis' expressions change from nervousness, to pretending to not being and then horrified was more exciting than the ancient Dragon thought.
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