Chapter 35

1314 Words

“Weren’t you the one wanting to punish her for ruining your pants?” Zeke asks, jerking my head to the side and making me grit my teeth as my hair tugs painfully. “Yes, and I will when I feel like it. Now let her go; we are done with dinner. She is free to go.” The screeching of someone’s chair behind me makes me tense, wondering if I am soon going to have to escape the clutches of one of his brothers, too. Lyon comes into my line of vision and claps a hand on Zeke’s shoulder. “Come now, brother. We can’t kill her the first night she’s here. Father would have our heads. You can have your fun with her soon enough.” Lyon tells him. Zeke’s eyes flicker oddly, and he smirks. He then shoves me away, and my ass hits the table. “I give you a week before you’re hanging from the rafters,” Zeke l

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