Chapter 34

1349 Words

Later that night. Regan has changed from his ruined suit and is now dressed more casually in jeans and a black shirt. He glares across from me at the dinner table, and I have ignored his hateful gaze for the past half an hour. King Regan is still pissed off, and I spent most of the afternoon hiding in Shelley’s room once I found it. I haven’t dared to return to my room out of worry that he would be waiting to make good on his threat. Regan reaches for his glass of whiskey, swirling it in the glass before drinking it and holding his hand out to the waiter wanting another. The waiter takes its rushing off when King Theron turns in his seat to look at me. “You are to meet Regan first thing in the morning at 9 AM; my sons usually have breakfast brought to them, so just meet him in his roo

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