Chapter 11

1205 Words

Zirah POV Malachi urges us toward the maze entrance, and the women begin to panic, turning and running, yet I stay rooted to the spot staring up at the large hedges. Guards that helped escort us down snatch the other women, shoving and pushing them toward the entrance. Snarls and growls suddenly fill the air, and we all spin to see the three Kings and next to each one were three huge wolves, white as snow with blood-red eyes. They weren’t ordinary wolves. They also weren’t werewolves, making me wonder if these were the savage pets Malachi spoke of. Not only that, but they are larger than normal wolves yet don’t share the amber eyes werewolves have. “Get them ready, I need to find out what is going on. The Kings aren’t meant to enter until morning.” Malachi orders one of the guards befor

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