Chapter 10

1143 Words

“Once the winner is announced, you three will enter the maze. The first to hunt their bride wins the throne.” My father states, and my brothers, and me included, jump to our feet in outrage. “Bride!’ I roar furiously. Has he lost his damn marbles? Does he seriously expect us to go along with his shenanigans? “This is your grand plan, father. We marry a f*****g human to save our so-called humanity!” Lyon yells, finally coming to his f*****g senses and understanding the gravity of this situation. “I'm not f*****g marrying anyone. You've lost your damn marbles, old man.” Zeke snaps. My father, unperturbed by our anger, listens to us rant and rave at him about the ridiculousness. He almost seems tired, though how I hadn’t noticed before is beyond me. Looking at my father now, he doesn’t see

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