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THALIA'S POV My heart pounded in my chest as Alpha Tristan's grip tightened around my throat, his icy gaze drilling into mine. I struggled to breathe, fear consuming me as I faced the wrath of the powerful alpha. "I-I'm sorry," I managed to choke out, my voice barely audible as I attempted to appease him. Alpha Tristan's eyes bore into mine with an intensity that made my knees weak, his dominant presence overwhelming my senses. "Sorry won't suffice," he said calmly, his voice sending shivers down my spine. "You need to learn your place, Dalia." "You're the Luna to everyone else in my pack as you are now bonded to me. You must lead by example or be punished," he said, and I gulped. My mind raced as I tried to comprehend the severity of my actions. Was this what he did to Lucia? Did he kill her because she disobeyed him? I had never felt more vulnerable than I did in that moment, pinned against the wall by the strong alpha, his breath mingling with mine. "Please," I pleaded, my voice trembling with fear. "I didn't mean to—" I choked out, and at that point, I was uncertain what would happen. Alpha Tristan's grip loosened slightly, but his gaze remained stern as he studied me. "You must understand, Dalia," he said, his voice softer now, yet it still showed his authority. "Disobedience cannot go unpunished. But I will be lenient with you this time because I haven't handed you the journal." What journal? Relief flooded through me as I sagged against the wall, grateful for being released. "Remember, Dalia," Alpha Tristan said, his voice sending a shiver down my spine. "I expect obedience from my Luna. Disappoint me again, and the consequences will be deadly." I nodded, my heart still pounding with fear. "I understand," I whispered, my voice barely audible. Alpha Tristan's lips curled into a predatory frown as he stared into my eyes. He then turned around slowly and walked towards a shelf where there were several books lined up. His finger traced the cover of the books until he stopped at one, which seemed like a journal. "Take it," he said rudely, flinging the journal at my feet, and I slowly bent down to pick it up, wondering what it was. Just as I seemed confused, he walked closer to me once more and asked me to flip the journal open. I did as he said exactly, and then I saw what was written on the first page after flipping the hard brown cover open. "Read what is written on the front page, slowly," Alpha Tristan said to me, nudging towards the journal. I could hear my heartbeat in my ears. Clearing my throat, I fixed my eyes on the letters that were on the front page. "Fifty Rules Of Alpha Tristan Ulric," I read aloud with a shaky voice from the journal resting in my trembling hands. That was the only thing written on the first page, so I assumed that it was the only thing the book was about. "Good, you need to learn everything you can about me and this pack. Secondly, the journal also contains names of places you are permitted to go in this mansion," he said, and I gulped. "Apart from that, it contains the particular hours of the day you are not permitted to go into certain parts of the mansion, including my chamber," he added, this time he was taking off his coat. He flung it towards the bed, and then began to slowly unbutton the black long-sleeved t-shirt he wore inside, revealing his broad chest. My mouth dropping as my sight got lost wandering across his chiseled abs. "Thalia, remember he is a murderer," Nova said in my head, cautioning me. With that, I shook the thoughts out of my head and focused on what he said about restricting my movements. What?? I was going to be stopped from going to certain places in the mansion? I couldn't believe this. It sounded like I was still a servant or a slave back at my pack, and what made it harder was that the rules here were more dangerous to break. "Now, get out of my presence," he said with a cold and arrogant tone, and I gulped as I gradually walked out with fumbling steps, my breath thickening. "Greene will show you to your room," he said with a cold voice just as I crossed the threshold of his chamber. He shut the door behind me with a loud thud, and I shuddered. Then, I saw Greene walking towards me from my left-hand side. "Luna Thalia, I'll show you to your room now," he said, and then I nodded. After getting to the room reserved for me, my eyes couldn't believe it. I had been a servant and mistreated for so long, and being given a room that big was... unbelievable. I settled down on my bed and engrossed myself in the journal, realizing it was the key to my survival now. Flipping through the journal, I realized that page 2 was missing, and it contained a list of where to go and where not to go at specific hours of the day. I soon realized it must have slipped out when Alpha Tristan threw it at my feet. I hurried out of my room, wanting to get that piece, but just when I arrived at the door to Alpha Tristan's private chamber, I heard a set of violent noises. Just then, I noticed the door was ajar, and when I peeped in, Alpha Tristan was bare-chested with a sword in his hand. I covered my mouth quickly so I wouldn't scream in fear the moment I saw his blade was dripping with fresh blood. "He just killed someone," this thought registered in my head quickly, and I almost collapsed out of panic. "You need to leave!!" Nova urged in my head as she too was frightened by the sight. Just as I turned about to quickly walk away, I heard Alpha Tristan's voice, and my heart stopped in fear. "You!" He called out. "Oh God... I just saw him killing someone. He's definitely going to kill me too," I said in my head to Nova. I heard his strong footsteps coming from behind me until I felt his towering figure sheltering my fragile figure from behind. "I was just about to send for you," he said, making me turn again, my entire body was physically shaking. His door was now wide open as he didn't close it after walking out. And then, I saw that what I thought was blood wasn't actually blood. It brought me a sense of relief when I realized it was a rare red polish for his blade. Alpha Rafael had one if it too. "I realized it would be best if you realize the terms of this union between you and I," he said... "I believe you've heard a lot about me, and so you know why I came for a servant like you to be my bride. This is because no lady would accept this position as my Luna ever since what happened to Lucia," he said with a cold voice that showed no emotion. Now I began to slowly understand. No one would marry him, that was why he accepted me since Alpha Rafael could force me into marriage with him. "I gave your alpha billions to have you, along with that, I extended his territory. I granted him all that because I desperately needed a Luna," he said, and I gulped. "W-why do you d-desperately n...need a Luna?" I stuttered. I had no idea how I made that mistake of talking when he didn't permit me to. I thought he was going to wrap his hands around my neck again, but to my surprise, he answered my question instead... "I need a Luna if I ever wanted to take the family heirloom," he said. "S-So you ga-gave out all that money just to inherit a family heirloom?" I stammered. "My stepbrother or I, an unmated alpha, cannot wield the heirloom. That is why I needed to get a mate so desperately," Alpha Tristan said with a cold voice once more. Wait, his stepbrother would claim this heirloom if Alpha Tristan didn't have a Luna, because an unmated Alpha could not wield it. But then, no one would marry him because of his deadly record, so he paid a lot of money to the only person who had a forced mate for him, Alpha Rafael. Oh my God, I understood what was happening now. He suddenly grabbed my chin and slowly raised my head so I could look into his eyes. "So... knowing I paid that much to have you, you should know I own you and every single part of you belongs to me," he said, staring deeply into my eyes, and a knot formed in my stomach.
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