1887 Words

TRISTAN'S POV. Alright, I tried. Really, I did. Goddess knows I did. I tried so hard to avoid things turning out like this, to avoid having to do something like this. At long last, here we are. When I first found out that Thalia was in Midnight Fang, and the rumors reached my ears about what Duncan had planned to do with her, to say that I was mad would be a huge understatement. I was furious. I was enraged, and at that moment, I wished with everything in me that I could have Duncan's stupid neck in my grip so I could squash it to pieces and be done with it. But a few hours passed and I started to calm down a bit, well, somewhat. I went out of my way to find and make up excuses for him, telling and trying to convince myself that it wasn't entirely his fault. That he didn't know who she w

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