1323 Words

THALIA'S POV. "You know, you can go ahead and ask, Rebecca. You know you want to. I can practically see the wheels turning in your head all the way from here." I said to Rebecca as I sat on the bed, taking off my shirt, so I was once again left in the tank top. Somehow it just got suddenly warm around here. Who knows what Tristan brought with him when he was coming? Rebecca shrugged at my words, still leaning against the wall beside the door frame in the same position she's been since we got here. It's been a few minutes since she accompanied me back to the room, and since then, she's been staring at me with a confused and faraway look in her eyes, almost as if she was trying to figure me out herself. What did I do now? 'Umm, you LIED to her, Thalia. What's there not to be confused a

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