1073 Words

THALIA'S POV. I see. Makes sense then, I think. But does that excuse his behavior and attitude towards me? No. Definitely not. "I think I get your point." I said and Rebecca nodded. "Yeah, Thalia. Jason's had it out for anything and everything that even as much as looks like a rogue since that day. Now come on, let's go eat," Rebecca said, and I nodded in understanding before picking up my plate and glass and following her to the table. I understand what Rebecca's trying to explain. It's quite understandable if Jason hates rogues because they robbed him of his sister, but that doesn't mean it was okay what he did the other night. Besides, I already told him I'm not a rogue, so what's his problem? Unless of course he's trying to tell me that I look like the particular rogue that kill

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