1955 Words

THALIA'S POV. "Maybe we should take this upstairs, Thalia. I'm beginning to think this might not be such a good idea," Nova said as I stood by the kitchen counter, watching Jason glare daggers at me while I dished my food onto a plate. Now it's official. Midnight Fang is the worst of them all—the worst pack you could ever come across and the very worst group of wolves in the history of worst wolves. Believe me, I know. No single person has come to check on me since I arrived here two days ago. I doubt they even so much as thought of it. It's almost like they forgot I even exist. Not even the alpha has enough manners to ask me how I'm faring, and it's starting to get really annoying. The only way I know I'm still visible to them is the occasional hi and hellos I get from random pack memb

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