1035 Words

THALIA'S POV. "I'm sorry, what?" I asked, as I immediately halted in my steps causing Rebecca to do the same. "Ethan had his eyes on her. Said he had feelings for her, she didn't feel the same. She kept avoiding him and little by little his so called feelings turned into an unhealthy obsession. Sometime later she started seeing this boy from school that she liked and Ethan couldn't handle that. One night while she was retuning from a run in the woods he attacked and murdered her. Drove a dagger through both of her eyes. He's sick, Thalia." My mouth hung open as I listened to Rebecca tell the story and I felt myself start to panic. I thought Jason was the crazy one, not Ethan? How did I miss all of this? "You know I really wanted you here, Thalia. I really enjoyed having you here. You

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