1230 Words

THALIA'S POV. "Seriously girl, I don't envy you one bit." Rebecca bent down to whisper in my ear as we walked and I didn't bother to ask her what she meant by her words seeing as I already know. The unessesary large men Tristan had following me every corner of world weren't doing much to keep out of sight. Scratch that they weren't doing at all. They were following me nose to nose, mouth to mouth, butt to butt and wherever else it is you might think of! Honestly I feel like an i***t moving around the whole place with those men following practically tied at my backside! When will this torture come to an end for goodness sake?! "Just ignore them. Maybe they'll get tired and leave." I whispered back to Rebecca as I fastened my steps, trying to put as much distance between us as I poss

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