Chapter 3 – The new professor

1044 Words
Alyssa’s POV The way he spoke, with such calm and assurance, gave me a fleeting sense of safety I hadn’t felt all night. I could feel my heart racing, a confusing mixture of gratitude and something else I couldn’t fully understand. Driven by the need to express how much his intervention meant to me, I impulsively leaned forward and pressed my lips against his. The kiss was sudden and unexpected. His eyes widened in surprise, and for a moment, he seemed unsure of how to react. But then, as if something shifted within him, he responded, his arms wrapping around me, pulling me closer. The warmth of his embrace and the intensity of the kiss overwhelmed me, momentarily driving away the pain and heartbreak that had consumed me. I lost myself in the kiss, my emotions swirling in a turbulent mix of relief and a strange, intoxicating attraction. The world around me seemed to blur, the streetlights and the night fading into a distant haze. The effects of the alcohol took their toll, my vision darkening as my consciousness began to slip away. Just as the world faded to black, the last thing I felt was the comforting presence of the man who had come to my rescue, his touch a final anchor before everything went dark. The next morning, I woke up with my head still spinning and throbbing with a dull ache. Glancing at the clock on my bedside table, I panicked as I realized it was already 7:30 AM – my first class was due to start in just half an hour. I threw off the covers and rushed to the bathroom, my mind racing as I tried to recall the events of the previous night. The memories were hazy, but the pain in my heart was still raw and overwhelming. Shaking my head, I pushed those thoughts aside and focused on getting ready for the day. After a quick but refreshing shower, I hurriedly dressed in my uniform and grabbed my backpack, rushing out the door and towards the school. As I approached the campus, my frown deepened when I spotted Tom and Elvie walking hand-in-hand, their expressions carefree and content. Elvie, ever the opportunist, caught sight of me and grinned wickedly, tightening her grip on Tom's arm. Anger bubbled up inside me, and I quickened my pace, making a beeline for my classroom. When I arrived, my roommate, Pamela, greeted me with a concerned expression. "Alyssa, I tried to wake you up this morning, but you were out cold," she said. "The guard even had to carry you back to the dorm last night. Are you alright?" I sank into my seat, burying my face in my hands. "I'm not sure, Pam," I admitted, "Last night, I... I caught Tom and Elvie together. I was devastated, and I ended up drinking at a bar. After that, everything's a blur." Pamela's eyes widened in sympathy. "Oh, Alyssa, I'm so sorry. That must have been awful." She reached out and squeezed my hand reassuringly. "But the guard said someone brought you back to the dorm. Do you know who it was?" I shook my head, trying to focus through the fog in my mind. "I don't know. I can't remember anything after leaving the bar." I paused, biting my lower lip. "Pam, what if... what if it was the same person who saved me from those men?" Before Pamela could respond, the classroom door opened, and Beta Arnold, the respected pack leader, strode in. The students quickly took their seats, their attention focused on him. "Good morning, everyone," Beta Arnold said, his deep voice commanding the room's attention. "I have a few announcements to make." He paused, his gaze sweeping over the students. "First, I regret to inform you that Professor Hamilton has resigned from his position. He has some personal matters to attend to with the pack council." A murmur of surprise and speculation rippled through the class, and I noticed Elvie leaning in closer to Tom, whispering something in his ear. "As a result," Beta Arnold continued, "we will be welcoming a new professor to our school. Please give a warm welcome to Professor Jake Thomson, who will be taking over Science and serving as your new homeroom adviser." At the mention of the new professor's name, my heart skipped a beat. As I looked up, my eyes widened in recognition. The tall, handsome man who stood before the class was the same one who had saved me the night before – the one I had kissed in a drunken haze. My mouth went dry, and a mix of emotions washed over me. Confusion, embarrassment, and a strange sense of curiosity all fought for dominance within me. I couldn’t believe that the man who had come to my rescue was now my new professor, and the fact that I had shared an intimate moment with him only added to the surreal nature of the situation. As Professor Thomson scanned the room, his gaze briefly locked with mine, and I felt a shiver run down my spine. There was a flicker of recognition in his eyes, but his expression remained professional and composed. Elvie, ever the observant one, seems noticed the silent exchange between us. As Beta Arnold finished his announcement and exited the classroom, Professor Thomson turned to face us, his expression warm and welcoming. "Good morning, everyone," he said, his voice rich and captivating. "As your new professor and homeroom adviser, I'd like to take some time to get to know each of you better." He paused, his gaze sweeping across the classroom. "I'd like you all to take a piece of paper and write down your name, contact information, your current living situation, and anything else you'd like me to know about you. This will help me understand your individual needs and how I can best support your academic journey." The students immediately sprang into action, rustling through their bags and drawing out their pens. I, however, hesitated, my heart pounding in my chest. I didn’t know how to feel about this new turn of events, and the thought of interacting with Professor Thomson after our unexpected encounter filled me with a mix of trepidation and anticipation.
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