Chapter 19

1687 Words
   *  When I open my eyes Nelson, Maggie and Dean are huddled over me. "Dean," I say surprised not believing my eyes. He quickly bends down to hug me as he apologizes. (For what I don't know) "I'm so stupid, I wasn't thinking," "You sure weren't!" yells Nelson as he loosens Deans hold on me. "Who do you think you are you freak?!" yells Dean as he glares at Nelson.  "Deni my mate and as far as I know you like dudes, otherwise you'd be dead right now for being half naked in her house!" "If she's your mate, then who is in your bed,?" asks Nelson as he folds his arms not backing down.    I tear up, but I don't make a sound because I don't think I can. (My body is still sore) "Can't you see she's suffering,?" he says as he reaches for my hand. "Yeah, because of you," "I don't have to explain myself to you," he says as he lays on my bed beside me then he slowly slides me over towards him to where I am closer to him.  "Well she wants to know why she fainted," "I don't" I whisper as I start sobbing, finally realizing the truth. I turn and cover my head with a pillow not wanting to think about the possibility of him with someone else. (Even though I can't help the images in my head of him kissing someone else)  "Deni baby, look at me," he says as he puts his hand on my back. "Can you please leave, I have no idea why Maggie called you," says a still pissed off Nelson. "Because she understands that Deni is my priority," "Oh really, is that why you're getting mated to someone else,?" "You don't get to question me!" "Well she's too sweet and sad to do it and I am her secretary,"  "Me and Deni will work this out between us," "Right Deni baby, please talk to me," "Can you just leave me alone Dean?" "Deni... you want me... to leave?" he asks. I can tell that he's hurt, but I can only cry.  "Get out!" he commands. "Bye Denai" says Maggie. "Call us if you need us," says Nelson. "Thank you guys" I sniffle out. "We love you," says Maggie quickly. "We could have helped her, we didn't need him" says Nelson as they walk towards the door. "Get out!" Dean yells again as he gets off of the bed. I stay with the pillow over my head with only enough space for me to breathe without it being hot.  "Deni please" he whispers as he rubs my back. He slowly takes the pillow from me, then he lays down next to me. I try to grab another pillow but he grabs my hand and kisses it. "Please talk to me" "I... I" I start before I start crying again. "I feel like an ass," "I am an ass," "Forgive me baby," "Come here" he says as I put my face into my hands since he won't let me grab a pillow or anything else to cover my face.  He sits up, then he pulls me into his lap and rubs my back as I cry onto his bare chest. "Deni!" he says as I push him away from me. "You smell like her," I say as I move away from him. I didn't mean for him to almost fall on the floor, and I didn't realize that I had pushed him so hard. I just couldn't stand the smell. "Deni baby," he says surprised. I crawl off of the bed and I run towards my door but he grabs me before I can open it. "I'm sorry, please don't leave me," he cries as he falls to his knees. "Please Deni" He says as I bend down to hug him. "I love you," he cries as he pulls me into his lap. I reach up to dry his tears and he kisses me taking my breath away.  "Please stop" I say after he gives me a break to breathe but he kisses me again and rubs up my night gown. "No Dean," I say as I push his hand. "You said that you were mine Deni" "You've found someone else and you've been kissing and touching her and who knows what else you done with her," I say as tears run down my face.  "I never kissed her" We just-" "Let's not talk about it" he says when I turn away from him. "I can't stand her smell on you," I say as he squeezes me while kissing my shoulder. I moan when he starts kissing on my neck where he's supposed to mark me, but I put my hand in the way to stop him. "I'll take a shower" "Show me to your bathroom" "It's in the hallway" I whisper, still avoiding his eyes. "Can you show me, please?" He helps me to stand, then he gets up after me and I open the door. He grabs my hand and follows me closely. "It's right here, the same place it was the other day" I say avoiding his eyes.  "I'll get you a towel" I say after I open the door, when he stands still looking at me. "Okay'' he says as he watches me walk away. "You're beautiful Deni" I don't say anything, I just go to the hallway closet.  "I need a wash cloth" he says as he rubs soap over his chest. I quickly look away and put the towel on the counter. (I wish I could look, but he belongs to someone else now and the soon as I get it through my mind the faster I will get over him)  "You know you want to look baby" he says with a smirk. I hold a straight face and I hand him his wash cloth, but he grabs my arm and pulls in with him when I try to leave. "Dean, what are you doing?!" I ask surprised. I cover myself when I see him looking at my body through my wet night gown.  He holds on to me and pulls me into a kiss. "I need you baby" he breathes out against my lips as he feels me up. Then he rips my nighty and immediately starts kissing over my neck and body against the shower wall causing me to moan. "You're mine, Deni" "You would never let some other man touch what's mine," he says as he rips my panties. I scream in pain as he brings me down into his thrusts. "I'm sorry baby" he says as he stops. Then he opens the shower door and walks us to my room, leaving a trail of water.   "No Dean, I don't want to," I say as he lays me down, then he climbs on top of me. "Deni you are mine," he says as he slowly moves his hips. "You belong to me, you can't deny me" he says with tears in his eyes after he passionately kisses me.  When he's done he hugs me and wraps our wet bodies in my cover. Tears run down my face because I know that this will not last. (He will be back with her probably tomorrow) I can't help but wonder if he will mate with her again, but I don't dare ask because his answer scares me.  I hug him as tight as he hugs me and we fall asleep. He stayed with me for a few days and he wore my dads clothing. (Well he wore shorts) He didn't want us wearing too many clothes and whenever I did put on something more than he thought I should be wearing he would rip it.    "How are you feeling beautiful?" asks Nelson as I walk in. "I don't know how to feel" "Somehow I want to cry but I can't" "How is Areta?" "I don't know, she hasn't talked and when she does it's about us training" He hugs me and I smile as I feel a few tears escape my eyes.  Maggie comes in and hugs me too. "You need to get out of the pack for a while" "Where would I go?" "To a freaking beach or somewhere like France" she suggests. "Oh Italy looks beautiful this time of year and the male wolves... hotter than me" says Nelson with a naughty smirk.  I smile but the thought of another male wolf frightens me, especially since, I'm having problems with my own mate.  "Okay... I'll do it," "I haven't been to Italy in a while, and my dad did love Sicily and I have family there" "At least I think he has a cousin there" "It was long ago" "What about your mom's family?" asks Maggie. I look at her with wide eyes.  "I don't know her family'' "I know... I'll look at her records," "I took some pictures of her paperwork, but I never got a chance to look through it" "Who knows if it would have that much information" says Nelson. "Why wouldn't it?" "Well at the time they weren't really big on keeping records" "They were kept for mostly our pack and our Alpha" "I know all this Sir Nelson, because I am the person that trained you" I say with a smirk causing him to smile. "Well, we could go look to see what we find now,?" he says sounding a little excited. "Okay let's check it out," I say hoping to find something. It would be great to go to the place my mom is from to learn more about her.   I look through the few pieces of paper but there isn't much just her pack number and her medical records while she was at the pack which also holds nothing. "Maybe I took the good stuff with me" I say disappointed as I put the papers back. I look through my phone and see that the pictures that I took aren't really clear enough to make out much so I'll need professional help. (I guess I was in a hurry)
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