Chapter 4

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* "You've been out here all this time with her!" Squeals his mom as he stops in his tracks from climbing the steps when he sees her. "Mom please don't start," he says as he hurries back down the stair to stand in front of me. I grab on to the back of his shirt and I lightly squeeze it, because truthfully, she frightens me. She must really hate me now for taking him away from her. At least that's what the look on her face tells me.  "I'm here aren't I?!" "Alpha Bendler and his Betas daughter are here so stop playing with these pathetic pack girls," "Mom Denai is not pathetic," "Why are the girls of our pack not good enough for our own Alpha,?" I ask, a little surprised by my bravery.  "Excuse me, are you talking to me?!" I'm surprised since I have never really talked to her. (Willingly) If I could go the rest of my life without talking her I would. (Sorry Dean) "It's just a question mam," "I didn't mean any disrespect by it" I say as I walk in front of him with my head bowed out of respect. "Because I know every single one of you and non of you have anything to offer my son,"  "We could learn and what if one of the wolves here does turn out to be his mate?" "I don't have time to talk about this, and with you of all people," she says as she turns her nose up to me. "I'll see you later Deni" says Dean with a huge amused smile. I can't help but smile back. (Is he proud of me for questioning his mom?)  "Okay, I'm going to run and then I'll train later," "Well let me know if you need help," "Okay I will," I say happily, trying not to overdo it. "Dean don't waste your time or hers, she's weak," "Bye Dean" I say as I wave to him and he gives me one more smile, making my day and entire week. I bow and look away when I see his mom glaring at me. "Lift your head up Denai," "I don't want to see you bowing to her ever again," "You were on a roll, then you backed down," "I was proud of you at first and so was Dean," I smile as I think about it. "He was proud of me, wasn't he?" "If you listen to me, you'll have your Alpha and put his mom in her place at the same time," "But you'll want me to be mean and to possibly say bad words," "Hey, sometimes you have to get out of character to reach certain people," I shake my head as I shift, then I let her take over, which she does most of the time anyways.       After  my run I quickly shower and I sit on my couch to look through our family photo album. I smile when I see a picture of my parents before they had me and then I kiss it. I want to get it enlarged so that I can hang it on my wall.  Some people think that I'm weird for still living here after all these years, since I, make enough to afford a new house. I can't just leave, because I have all of my happy memories here and my parents' bedroom still smells like my dad so I sleep in there whenever I miss him too much.  I just hope my mate will understand me for wanting to visit here, even after, I move in with him. (Or who says he can't move in with me?) Goddess bless me with a sweet, caring, understanding mate. Red hair and freckles is a bonus and if it's not to much to ask his name should start with a Dean. I woke up on the couch hugging the photo album, and I look around feeling lost. It was still early so I got up and dragged myself to my bed. I climbed in and hugged my long body pillow close to me. Sometimes I imagine it's Dean and I squeeze it tighter, although I've never kissed it. (Probably because I don't know how to kiss and I want him to be my first, not my pillow. (I promise, I'm not obsessed with him)  My alarm wakes me up and I take a quick shower and put on a  white cap sleeved blouse and a black skirt that comes just at my knees. My black kitten heeled pumps are my everyday shoe, at least, they are for  the days that I have to work. I like to be comfy and professional, so I don't really get hit on like I used to in high school. I guess I don't really see or speak to anyone anyways and when I do see Dean his mom is always there to ruin it for me.  Nelson smiles as I walk in. "I swear you should be a model," he says as he grabs my ponytail that I braided to the side. Then he twirls me around to get a better look. "So should you, handsome," "I really should," he says as he poses grabbing my waist as if we're taking a picture together causing me to giggle.  He's the only guy I talk to like this and it may be because he likes guys too. The only guy he doesn't find attractive is Dean, which is fine with me. (Honestly I think he only says that because he knows about my crush) He is literally boy crazy but he is waiting on his mate, just like me. As far as I know he's only ever made out with a few guys at some of the local bars. I have seen him a few times and I swear it was like they wanted to become one.  "Soooo, since you're looking hot today, are you planning on going to see Dean?" he says as he unbuttons one of the buttons on my blouse causing me to gasp and then blush. He smirks with an eyebrow raised. "It looks better like this," "Okay" I whisper then I clear my throat as I look away. He chuckles.  Nelson is very handsome, he had so many girls heartbroken when they found out that he liked males too. His dark brown skin and a short fade and the way he dresses make him one of the handsomest guys in our pack. When we were younger his hair was always braided and it came to his shoulders, and his clothes were more sporty.  I don't know why he feels that his new look is more adult like. (I think he looked better with the braids and he used to let different girls play in it) I wish I would have known him better, but I was going through a lot at the time, and my dad would have someone pick me up immediately after school. Even after he was gone I kept the same routine. "I'm not sure you're ready for a guy like Dean," he says as he leads me to my office and then over to my chair. Then he sits on my desk.  "I wish I could see him for more than just a few moments," "It's like Luna Karen waits for him to talk to me and then she calls him to some urgent meeting with some Betas daughter," I say before I blow out a frustrated breath. "You really like him?" "Like really really,?" "Yes, Nelson, I like everything about him besides his mom," I say before I quickly cover my mouth. "I didn't mean to say that" I say as I cover my face in my hands embarrassed, while he laughs loudly. Areta laughs too but I ignore her 'I told you so's.' "Please don't tell anyone I said that" "Your secret is safe with me, although, I think the entire pack feels the same way about our lovely Luna," he says as he pulls my hands down.  "I try really hard to like her" "Denai sweetie, you're the only one,"  "Just try to stay out of her way, which will be hard since you like tomato head," "Sorry, I forgot you like him," I look at him surprised. "He was sometimes rude to me in high school, so I gave him that nickname," "What did he do to you or say,?" "Not much but I guess he did like the way I looked at his hot Beta," "Man have you seen him without a shirt on" "He's the one you should be after not Dean" "Put on the dress that me and Maggie convinced you to wear and he's yours," "At least he would be if you'd leave freckles alone,"  "Did he insult you,?" "Beautiful soul, that was years ago, I'm sure he is no longer a... that way," (Part of me wants to know everything he knows, but I know he won't tell me) My sweet Dean can't be a... whatever Nelson was going to say)   
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