Chapter 12

1592 Words
* "H... hi Luna Karen" I say as I slightly bow causing Areta to growl. "Well hello there Daniella" "It's Denai mom and you know it," says Dean more offended than I could ever be. People sometimes mispronounce my name but I'm used to it, I just correct them and I keep it moving.  I know she doesn't like me and perhaps she said it wrong on purpose because she has always gotten it right, no matter how annoyed she was with my presence. He links her and she makes a face, then she closes her eyes and looks a little possessed. Then I realize that she is trying to build up her nerve to say something.  She clears her throat. "Dean has always had a crush on you," she says with a forced smile. Even though I know that she doesn't like me and this seems rehearsed (badly). I'm still happy she's at least trying.  "Too bad that's not enough to lead a good pack" She adds as she crosses her arms, causing the smiles on our faces to disappear. "You need a strong Luna, not a weak pushover," "I bet I could sell her salt, if she needed to buy sugar," "Mom, I told you not to act like this and you promised,"  "It's okay Dean" "It's not okay Deni baby," "You are my Luna and she has to respect that!" I have never seen him so adamant, then again he had his group of friends and I considered everyone my friends so we never really hung out.  "Deni baby,?" she says with disgust and I squeeze his hand tighter as she looks at me as if mushrooms have started to sprout on my face. "I'm fine Dean" "Respect is earned and I am still the Luna of this pack," she says as he hugs me and kisses my forehead.  "She is strong and so is her wolf,'' "You knew her father for Goddess sake," "Yes and he was strong, but he taught her nothing," "I'll see you later Dean" I say as my eyes start to water. The fact that she hates me and the fact that she's basically saying that I don't live up to my family name is too much.   "She has no backbone," "If we are attacked she will hide under her bed to cry," "Look at her, she's crying now," she says as he tries to comfort me.  "I'm so sorry Deni baby, lets go" "I didn't know she was going to be this way with you," he says as he leads me around his mom and up the steps. "Dean I-" I try to talk and stop him from going any further towards his house.  "Ignore her baby, we have plans, she'll get over it," he says as she glares at me. (I'm just relieved she stopped talking) I can take her stares because I don't have to look, but her voice is intimidating and it makes her glare 100 times worse. He sits me on his bed then he sits down next to me. "Everything about you is amazing Deni baby and she's blind if she doesn't see it," He says as he holds my chin, then he kisses me.  "You're mine anyways aren't you?" he asks as he looks into my eyes waiting for an answer. I take in a deep breath as I hold back my tears. "Are you sure you don't want to reject me?" I say as a million tears run down my face. I can't help but to think about how all of my hopes and dreams have crashed within a matter of minutes. (Actually, less than that really)  "Look at me Deni, I would never ever reject you,'' "Not even if my life depended on it" "But why not, I'll only bring you and our pack down?" "Because baby, I... I love you" he says with tears in his eyes. "Really?" I ask as I wipe away his tears. He nods with a smile and I hug him tightly. He chuckles and kisses my forehead as he hugs me back.  "Now that that's settled, lets get comfortable," he says after a while of us comforting each other. "Okay so what movies do you have or do you have any board games?" I ask as I watch him kneel close to his bed. He grabs one of my feet and takes off my wedges then he stands and helps me to stand before he kisses me.  It's not like the kisses from before. This time he moves his tongue around my mouth and lips wildly and his chest grumbles as he grabs my butt and squeezes.  I watch as he takes off his shirt, then I tense up as he slides down my shoulder strap to my dress. "Dean" I say softly as he kisses my shoulder and neck. "Just relax baby" he whispers as he slides down the other.  "Wow," he says when he sees my breasts wrapped in my red bra. I blush and cover myself with my hands as I take a step back. "I need to see you baby" "All of you," he says as he steps closer to me. I stand still not knowing what to do. Then I slowly push the rest of my dress down and he helps me to step out of it.  "Deni baby, you're a Goddess," he says as he looks over my body. I try to cover myself, but he grabs my hands. "Let me see my beautiful mate," He hugs me and I hug him back, then I gasp as my bra comes unloose.  He pulls back with a smile on his face. "Dean" I whisper, but it's as if he can't hear me, because instead of answering me, he pushes down his shorts and boxers and I barely get to look, because he leads me to his bed again.  His chest grumbles as he removes my bra completely then his mouth goes to work. I grab his cover as he moves his mouth over them. "Relax baby" he says again as after I tense up as he moves hands into my panties. "But Dean I..." "I know that you're nervous but we're mates and I love you," "We're not doing anything wrong, baby, just please do this for me, okay,?" I nod and mouth okay. He smiles and pecks my lips, then he deepens it, but soon I am feeling nervous again after he rips my panties. "Baby you're mine," he moans as I groan in pain and squeeze on to his shoulders. "f**k baby," he groans as he goes faster, I can only hold on tighter as I get used to the pain, until it turns into pleasure.  "I love you Deni," he whispers before he kisses me. Then he pulls the covers of us and hugs me tightly and I feel him kiss my head as I doze off. I don't know how long I've been sleeping before I am awaken by arguing and yelling.  "Mom, I don't know how you opened my door, but get out!" "Are you trying to ruin our pack?!" ""I swear you'll sleep with anything!" "You know I haven't had any girls over in a while and you've seen to that, but this one happens to be my mate so you can't say anything!" he says as he tries to push her out of the door.  "Now she'll be harder to get rid of!" "I'm not getting rid of my mate, just because you don't agree with her!" After I find my dress, I slide it on then I quickly put on my wedges as I try not to cry. I fail when I see my ripped panties and I can't hold back the tears.  "Excuse me, I'm leaving" I say as I try to pass them. "No Deni don't leave," "She'll get over it, remember you're mine," he says as he grabs my arm. "You haven't claimed her yet son, and if, she wants to leave then for Goddess sakes let her," She says as she moves out of the way after hitting his hand so that he can release me.  I hurry past her and down the hall with him yelling for me to come back. He probably would have followed me if he hadn't been naked. "I'm sorry Dean your mother is right, I'm a coward" "I'm not good enough for you and this pack" I link as I get into my car.  He grabs the door before it can close, surprising me. "I want to see you everyday, like I said before," "She has no say in the matter, I am the future Alpha not her and you are my Luna," He says as he grabs my hand, then he kisses it.  "I don't want to come between you and your mom Dean" "Why not, she's trying to take your place?" says Areta, but I ignore her. "Will you reject me?" he asks with sad eyes. "I could never reject you Dean because I love you too" (I can't believe I'm just now letting him know) My door creaks when he opens it wider, then he pulls me out to hug me. "I love you so much Deni, please don't let her ruin this for us," "If you want I'll even go to your house," "Okay, maybe that would be best for now" I say as he squeezes me. "Whatever you want my beautiful Luna," he says before he bends down to kiss me. 
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