Chapter 26

1687 Words
 *  I say goodbye to everyone and Alpha Lawrence stands to hug me and so does Dean. "I love you Deni" he whispers as we hug and I can't help the tear that rolls down my cheek, but I quickly dab it away onto his shirt before anyone can see it. He looks me in the eyes when we pull back.  "I want to talk to you" he links as I tell him that I'm gone for the night. "Okay I'll stop by the room" I reply then I turn to leave. I convince Nelson and Maggie to stay at the ceremony so that I can talk to Dean in peace. "Oh are you leaving for the night Denai?" asks Luna Karen with a happy smile clearly content that her plan worked. "Yes, I was just saying goodbye and goodnight to everyone" "Well goodnight, we still have so much to celebrate" she says as she gives me a hug for show.  I give her a fake smile and she looks at me surprised. (I couldn't help it, she ruined my life and I can't fake being happy to see someone if I'm not) "Bye Denai it seems like you've been denied" whispers Deans Luna whose name escapes me. "It was nice meeting you and you look beautiful tonight" I say with another fake smile as I shake her hand, then I say goodbye to her parents out of courtesy and I head towards the exit.  I start crying as soon as I'm in the hall. "Deni baby, I promise she will pay for even talking to you," "Dean,'' I say as I hug him. (I needed a hug right now, especially from him)   "I'm sorry baby, this is why I wanted you to be in your room" he says as he squeezes me tightly. "I can't stand that viper," "Let's go to our room and we can sleep" he says as he grabs my hand to lead me down the hall.  "You can't be gone for too long, they will be looking for you" I say surprised he is ditching the ceremony, although I shouldn't be because he didn't even want to be here. (At least not with her) (The fake Luna)   "You're not locking me up Dean," I say when he doesn't say anything. "No baby, I just want to say goodbye to everyone like you just did" "I'm ditching that snake... in our room" "So you have a room with her too?'' I ask as I pull away from him.  "Fine if you don't trust me, just give me a few minutes to say goodbye and stay right here" "Okay, but please don't take long" I can't stay with him the night because my flight is early in the morning, but I really want to give him a goodbye to remember. (I'm hoping this will night will make him miss me even more)  He gives me a kiss and I push him back when I smell her. "I'm sorry baby" "Dean, I know it's just for show, but the smell of her lips on yours" I say after I wipe my lips off with the back of my hand.  He wipes away at his lips with his sleeve then he gives me another little kiss, then he hugs me. "I'll be right back" He says before he quickly turns and walks back to the ceremony.  "You already talked to them?" I ask as he walks towards me with a nervous smile. "I did, but I have to stay a little while longer" "Listen Dean we really need to talk and I'm not going into 'the room'" I say as I hold my hand up to stop his kiss. He puts my hands down and claims my lips and I stop struggling to let him. All of the kisses of tonight will be the last ones for a while, and I want to enjoy our last moments together too. "Let's go to the room" he says as he grabs my hips and rubs himself again me. I am so tempted, but if I go I might not be coming out for days if ever.  I decide to ask him some questions about his Luna, since she most likely knew about me. If he asks me to go to this room again, I'm going to tell him that I'll come back after the ceremony. (I'll hopefully be on my way to another continent when he realizes that I'm no longer here)      Alpha Kavik's P.O.V. I was bored and tired of looking at this goofy looking new Alpha and his flirty Luna. I was going to give it thirty more minutes then I would leave. As I looked towards the exit following the eyes of the others, a beautiful Goddess walks in looking confident and radiant. She had a guy with her but he only lead her to a seat and he didn't sit next to her. There was a low growl that seemed close by as he kissed her hand.  Normally I would have been hard on myself for not being able to pinpoint who the male wolf was because, I pride myself on knowing everything that happens around me. (At all times) It was different this time though, because this beautiful she wolf is definitely a distraction.  Maybe she's a family friend of theirs since she is seated close to Alpha Lawrence and they seem to be talking. Everyone was whispering and someone mentioned that she was a princess from far away. I needed to get more information about her.  As I watched her, I was happy to see her turn down many offers to dance, but I couldn't help wondering if she would consider dancing me. I'm no Casanova but I know how to get a woman's attention. (But could I get hers?)   I was surprised when she stood up and finally accepted to dance with a young man. The same one that walked her over to the table. Before I could even feel any type of way I heard goofy Alpha Dean growl and I'm surprised at how he doesn't hide his jealousy. (How is he still not able to control his emotions in front of his pack)  His dad pats him on the back and tells everyone that he's protective over her because they are like family. (That was no 'just protective over family member' type of growl) (That was a 'get your hands off of my woman' type of growl)  His Luna is noticeably angry, but he pays her no mind because he's trying to keep his wolf under control. I feel bad for him when his face goes from angry to sad and everywhere in between as he stares her down. I don't know how absent Alpha Lawrence is in this pack, but it's obvious that they're more. She tries not to look at him, but he looks directly at her as he links with her. This beautiful Goddess doesn't seem interested in the man she is dancing with so why get angry. He isn't even touching her in the right places.  I can't decide whether she is his lover or his, ex or his,.... she's... she's his mate... his true mate. Luna Karen gives her a look and she turns away. The goofy Alpha growls again, but louder this time when the guy she was dancing with kissed her cheek.  This growl was something his dad Alpha Lawrence couldn't ignore. (He still did nothing, but he raised a suspicious eyebrow, which is better than being clueless)  They soon stop and they're joined by another young lady as the walk over to the side to talk, so I figure that they're a group of friends or something. She smiles and laughs with them but she also looks sad and I immediately want to see her smile again.   I take the chance and I stand up with the excuse of needing to talk with my Beta. I stop in front of her and she stops so that she doesn't run into to me and I smile. My heart stops when she smiles back, even though it's not as big as I know it can get. (I will see that smile)   I only introduce myself and I just had to shake her hand, because I wanted to feel her skin. (I wasn't disappointed) It was so soft, but I knew I couldn't just keep ahold on her hand while her mate was so close to exposing his secret. (Why aren't they together?) She doesn't look of low or bad rank. She looks healthy so she's not a weak female.  The only thing that I can see at a glance just by watching them is that Luna Karen does not like the beautiful young she wolf. Alpha Lawrence is caring towards her and the young Alpha loves her. This is just great. (The Luna is running the show) Luna Karen and the new Luna seem to have an understanding that even her parents aren't aware of.  I watch as she walks off and I head out to find my Beta. He sometimes joins me, but he chose to wait outside this time. It takes me a while to find him because we arrived late and had to park further away. (I wasn't upset because I walk daily so this was just a short distance compared to what I'm used to walking.  When I find him, he's arguing with the driver about some football game and what team was most likely to win. I tell them to get our things from our room and to get ready for our drive back home.  They pull me into their conversation, until I get tired of their arguing and I head inside. She is nowhere to be found when I get back and I get afraid that I may have lost her. Sure I can ask Alpha Lawrence about her later but I prefer to get her information myself. (As a plus if I do get turned down by myself no one but me will know about it)
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