Chapter 1: The Intruder

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Kol's POV Kiana and I walked into the meeting of the Council for our bonding ritual, and her beautiful smile knew no bounds as the people cheered at us. "What a beautiful match!" They echoed, and I felt a sense of fulfillment. If only I could see that witch who cursed me, one more time and let her know I have someone by my side who will fight to the end with me. "I love you so much Kol Varon..." she said and placed her palm in mine. "I love you Kiana Dane," I replied and smiled at her. "Now place the mantle in between your hands and hold it up for everyone to see!" The eldest of the wolves in Council announced. "Your highness!" One of the border guards rushed in, panting heavily and I immediately dropped the mantle on the table. "There's an intruder at the border, our men think she might be a spy so you need to see this immediately..." he said and everyone gasped. "Get my horse ready, Lucas!" I ordered my Beta, and we were soon on our way to the border. Bloodhound Pack has been known over the years as a clan under strict rule, and trespassers are always punished adequately. "This one had better not be one of those jobless nuisances.." I snarled, and got down from my horse. "What's going on here?" I asked, and the soldiers moved aside from the figure on the floor. I looked closely at her and finally decided to get close, but when our eyes met, she smiled broadly and stretched out her right hand to me. "Mate.." she muttered, and I took a few steps back in shock. "Is everything alright, your highness? Do we have to slit her throat?" Lucas asked, but I ignored him and went close to her again. "What was that you said? Speak woman!" I ordered, but she wasn't moving anymore. "Quick, take her back to the palace and have the royal physician attend to her immediately!" I ordered, and two of the soldiers hurried off immediately. I still couldn't believe my ears or my eyes either because not only did she just call me her mate, she also had these gems in her eyes and it couldn't be that I was mistaken with what I saw. "Kol... What happened just now? You never spare any of your prey." Lucas said, and I patted his shoulder without giving him a response even though I knew it would get on his nerves. "The earlier we got to the palace, the faster it'll take for you to understand what exactly is going on here," I managed to say and kicked on the sides of my horse, racing myself back to the palace. Everyone had already dispersed slowly by the time I returned and the auspicious time for the bonding ritual had passed already. Kiana looked devastated and I walked up to her immediately to make her feel better. "We have all the time in the world to carry on with the bonding ritual my love, and this time, nothing will come in between us..." I reassured and she nodded reluctantly while I darted off to the physician's quarters behind the palace. "Your Highness..." Everyone chorused as I let myself in, but my attention was glued on the now conscious woman in front of me. "Who are you?" I asked sternly. "My name is Zella. I escaped from the clutches of an old witch who held me captive all my life. I came in search of my mate because he alone could help me destroy this witch, and I finally found hi......" "Stop talking, Zella. I haven't asked why you're here yet." I snapped, and she straightened up on her seat like she was preparing an attack on me. "Why did you mention the word mate when you saw me?" I asked, and she smiled. The same smile she had on when our eyes met at the border. "Because I found my mate. After so many ways of tracing you down, all to no avail. I have finally found you, " she said confidently and got up to hold me, but Lucas stood in her way and was ready to send her flying. "It's alright, Lucas. I can handle this..." I said, and she folded her arms in front of her. "I commend your confidence so much, but let me make something clear to you. I have no mate, " I said, and she nodded. "I know that already. I'm very much aware of the curse from your childhood and how it has pushed you to become this bitter and powerful alpha that everyone fears." She replied, and I was taken aback. "Don't be afraid, Kol Varon. Besides, those petals on your wrist are very much difficult to not notice," "You've said enough. Lock her up. " I snarled and left the room. I didn't hear any cries or any protests while she was being dragged to the dungeon, and she, in fact, moved willingly. "What's going on, Kol?" Kiana asked, and I pinched my temple. "Some psycho just showed up at the border, claimed to be my mate, and tried to use my backstory to make me believe she'd be honest. Who in this entire Bloodhound pack doesn't know about my curse?" I asked rhetorically. "Kol, before you doubt her, look at your wrist...." Kiana said, and I held up my arm. My face froze as I stared at the petals on my wrist, and one was missing from it. This can only mean that the girl might be telling the truth... "I still don't believe this. It might be a trick, Kiana .." I said, but she shook her head. "I wish it was Kol, I really do. But until we confirm from the royal sorceress, I can't be certain.." she replied and left. I stood there, unsure of which way to go anymore. One one hand, my mate whom I've spent all my life trying to find is finally under my roof, and on the other hand, the woman I promised to spend the rest of my life with is still under this roof. Taking one more look at the incomplete petals on my wrist, I heaved a sigh and headed to the dungeon. "Cut her loose!" I ordered even before I got in completely, but her confident face showed me she barely needed my help if she really wanted to free herself from here. "We need to talk, Zella." "It's about time."
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