Chapter 2: My Life Is already on the Line.

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Zella's POV The thing I feared most about this bold move that I took was the fact that, Kol and everyone else might think I'm going mad and lock me up at the observatory to make sure I'm not insane. "What if nobody believes any word I say?" I thought to myself. I didn't know how else to convince this man that I'm not here to seek his sympathy or to gain any favors from him. I just need to free myself from the chains of that witch, and the only way to do that is if I joined forces with my mate. As the soldiers dragged me to the dungeon, a part of me got scared of the things they might put me through, but I remained calm and waited for the worst that could happen. . "Who is this gorgeous thing?" A jail guard asked as we got to the bars and I kissed my teeth in disgust. "Just some insolent girl that randomly showed up at the border and claims she is our Alpha's mate" another said and they burst out laughing. "Laugh all you want, you won't be laughing this way soon enough.." I blurted and one of them pulled hard at the chain around my leg, sending me to the floor with a painful bang. "You should bring your standards very low my darling... for instance, an omega like myself would love to have you as his mate," the older looking one said and bared his yellow teeth at my face. I squeezed my temples and spat on the floor beside me, causing his countenance to change and he would have landed me with a resounding slap if one of the guards had not announced the arrival of alpha Kol. "Your highness..." they chorused and bowed their heads like little pawns on a chess board while I got up from the floor and brushed the dust off of myself. "Cut her loose!" He ordered, and I smirked at the guard who sent my bum to the floor and he glared sternly at me while he cut the chains around my hands and legs. "We need to talk Zella. " His voice made it very clear that he wad starting to believe me and needed clarifications. I smile of satisfaction formed on the corner of my lips. "It's about time" I replied calmly and walked out of the dungeon with him. "Where are we going?" I asked, but he ignored me. "No need to be so grumpy, I'm just trying to be familiar with my future home.." I said bluntly but he didn't respond either. We finally got to the women's quarters and as we walked through the corridors, I could feel the hard glares from all the women around and it bothered me. "Are you planning on feeding me to them?" I asked and this time, he stared at me with anger. We finally got to a door and without knocking, he pushed it open and slammed it shut immediately after we both entered. "Zella Storm...." the old woman by the window called out and held out her hand for me to take. "Come child," she said and I took her gesture. At least one person finally sees me as a person and not some object to inflict pain on. "You must be the sorceress. I can smell the magic in your blood," I said, and she smiled. "Can we get to the reason we're here?" Another voice asked and I turned to look at the beautiful blonde that sat on the bed. Her blue eyes were pale and she emitted every emotion that clearly isn't happiness. "Alright then. Sit by me," the sorceress said, and alpha Kol joined me on the bench. After a few minutes of intense meditation, she finally let go of our hands and smiled broadly like a newly wedded bride. "Alpha Kol, Zella here, is truly your mate. And the reason that petal disappeared on your wrist is simply because you finally met with the one who will assist you in finally setting yourself free from the heat curse, and kill the witch behind it. Kol my child, now I'm speaking to you as a mother, and not your appointed sorceress, accept Zella as your partner and set yourselves free, for when the last petal from your wrist disappears, you both will cease to exist." Those last words didn't sit well with me because I didn't sign up to hang my life on some petals. “How do we even know when next it'll fall off or vanish? Isn't there a way we can stop this without going in search of this so-called which?" Miss blonde asked and I rolled my eyes. "Finding and killing a witch isn't as easy as turning blonde. Those creatures are smarter than a fox and more cunning than anything you could possibly think of." I said. "That's all I have for you, your highness," the sorceress said and all three of us left. "I'll find that witch and put an end to all of this madness!" Miss blonde snarled as we left the women's quarters and headed to the palace. "This isn't your fight, why do you want to get yourself involved in something that matters less to you? You might get yourself hurt or even worse," I replied and she halted, while Kol kept walking away. "It is my fight young lady, and it will always be my fight because the day Kol promised to spend the rest of his life with me, I gave up everything else and promised to be his wife. I can't let you, or that miserable witch come between that! Your presence alone already ruined my bonding ritual with Kol and now you want to ruin what both of us share as well? I, Kiana Dane, will never let that happen!" She blurted and brisked off, leaving me in the middle of a huge courtyard and no clue of how to find my way to Kol. "Now I also have to worry about someone who isn't even Kol’s mate in the first place?" I asked myself as I followed the path where Kol went through and didn't stop walking until I bumped into Lucas in the hallway. "There you are, I've been searching for you.. Alpha Kol asked that you're shown to your room in the meantime, until he decides what to do with you." Lucas said and walked away while I trudged behind. "She's the one who ruined our dear Kiana's bonding ritual.. Such a beautiful woman with a horrible soul!" One of the maids spat to her colleagues as I walked past them but I held in my anger and just kept walking.. "Here we are… Your clothes and everything you'll be needing to stay here have already been supplied, so make yourself comfortable, lady Zella." Lucas said and bobbed his head before shutting the door on his way out. The first thing I did after he left was a hot bath and my body felt revived after going a whole week in the woods just because I was running from that witch... Kiana's words kept ringing in my head as I changed into something suitable for bed, and, no matter what perspective I tried to look at it through, I just couldn't bring myself to change my mind about this. "I'm sorry Kiana, my life is already on the line.." I muttered and drifted to sleep immediately.
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