Sounds perfect

1099 Words

Chapter Tani I wake up drenched in sweat and panting. I look around trying to get my bearings straight. I'm in my suite at the faelands. I'm alone. I try to remember what happened. I remember kissing Regan, I needed him. He brought me back to my suite. I tried getting him to make to love to me. I remember that. He wouldn't. He kept saying something about my heat and he got the doctor. So that means. Sigh. It was a dream. I wanted him so bad. I still do . I don't know how I am going to face him. I sit on the side of the bed. What's wrong with me? I head to the bathroom for a shower. As the water cascades over me I think about what the doctors said. I'm a mix of excited , curious and scared for my future. The life span thing threw me off. That should definitely play a role of who I mate

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