I like your lips though

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Chapter 4 Jaren     I didn't think we would ever actually make it to the mall. When women say 5 minutes what they really mean is 2, maybe 3 hours. Both came out in different outfits with different hairstyles. We got in the car, Tani driving, me next to her and headed off. As I stared at the scenery I allowed myself to drift off into a daydream of the past day or so. It was amazing. Terrance was the kind of dad I had dreamed of. He was really patient and listened. That was most importantly. When he asked me to fill him in on my life, he didn't interrupt or anything. Just listened. He also made it known I was to take my rightful place as Alpha one day. That was something I never imagined for myself. Even the Luna, Devin was amazing. She told me she would fit into my life however I thought best. Friend. Mom. Stepmom. Hey lady. She had a great sense of humour and showed not a shred of jealousy others said she might. The pack was great. Those old enough to remember me were quick to tell me about when I was small. Those who weren't took me as I was. I glanced at Tani. Her curly hair. Mocha skin. Beautiful lips.. She was gorgeous. Although we met under odd circumstances. It seems meant to be. I've felt the pull to her. IF it's true,it'll get stronger over the next few weeks. To think this could be my mate.  My wolf was excited at the prospect. It seemed mate or not we may end up together. My dad had told me he was considering tying our line to their family line. He said something about a gene they have that would be extremely beneficial to future generations of pups , but said he would need more time to explain it. the one thing I picked up on, was that Tani was key to whatever it is.  Tani broke me out of my daydream "Earth to Jaren..come in Jaren."She joked "I'm here I'm here. Just thinking." I responded.  "Oh really. What's her name?" Tani teased.  "I don't think you are ready for that info . I like YOUR lips though. Heart shaped and full. Very nice ." I stuck my tongue out at her. then I chuckled to myself. that shut her right up. She was about as red as her car currently "Oh well. Thank you." She finally replied "At the mall, are you after anything particular or are we good to just hang?" I considered it. "I do need to pick up a few clothing items. Terrance insisted , but we can go with the flow. I'll know if I see anything I want." Rain chose to pipe up then "And have you seen anything you wanted since coming to Firnwinds Pack Jaren? "She raised her eyebrow. I decided some teasing was in order. : Oh absolutely. Man she is something special. Plump. big breast. Struts a bit much for me but her eggs are worth enduring that for. " I smirked at her in the rear view mirror They both looked confused. "You guys mean to tell me you don;t know Abby the chicken? I want her something awful but apparently she's not to eat." I shrugged. "But a guy can dream." They both burst out laughing. "Just when I thought you were trash you prove me wrong." Rain said through her giggles. "Well I just hope you and Abby have a long life together." Tani offered "You two better respect my chosen one. That's all  I know. " I smiled at them both. Having friends felt good. Real good. Being in a pack felt even better.  Tani took the off ramp and pulled into the parking lot. "Let's get to it!" I was excited but man oh man if only I knew how much trouble these two girls could get into, I may have stayed home. 
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