I'm overwhelmed

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Chapter 3 Tani We head outside after breakfast. I turn to him" Where would you like to start?" He looks around. "How about with your favorite place to go to." He holds his hand out and I take it, wishing I was of mating age to know if he was my mate. 1 more year and I would know. He knows. Or he should but its not uncommon for older mates to withhold the information until a younger mate is of age. We head towards the lake. As we walk I point out landmarks that may be of interest. The old barn that burned down that we re purposed into a playground. The clinic. The study hall. Funny how close it is to the clinic. Studying always makes me sick. When finally hit the treeline that leads to the lake. "Want to shift or would you rather walk it your first time?" I ask. "Walk. Maybe shift on the way back so my wolf can get the scent of things." Good answer. I smile at him. He will make a great alpha most likely. We continue walking, me pointing out the different trees and the small benches hidden throughout. "Did the pack do that or have they just always been there?" Jaren asked as we passed another bench. "They're donated by alphas. This is an old pack and each Alpha and Luna has a bench with their initials on it. Usually at a favorite spot to sit in the forest. . Your dads is a bit further up," I supplied. "Dad. That's still going to take some getting used to. Its like my whole life was a lie. There are some good things. I feel a sense of purpose now. I met you. Devin is great. She didn't push and she has made me feel welcome, like a mother. Oh WOW!" He stopped walking and took in the view. I smiled up at him proudly, "This is my favorite spot. Many settle for the pond because you don't have to walk but I come for this view. The crystal clear lake, the mountains setting the background scene. Its breathtaking. I sometimes do my homework here. Or pretend to. " I walked to the edge and sat. He joined me and started skipping rocks. "Do you swim?" He inquired. I smirked at him. "Of course. Its one of my favorite things to do ." "So if I threw you in, you wouldn't drown huh?" He started walking towards me. "No way dude. I am NOT going in!" I tried running around him Getting tossed in the lake on the day I decided to forgo a bra didn't sound like a good idea, although maybe it'd work in my favor if he was my mate. I kept backing up and faked left but he caught me and threw me over his shoulder. I screamed. "Sounds like someone is scared of water" he said heading back to the lake. He swung me off his shoulder and dropped me..then caught me at the last second. "I wouldn't throw you in. No worries." He was laughing like he had done the funniest thing. "Hahaha. That lets me know its time to move on to the library loser." He was still holding on to my waist. I want to say I felt sparks but I didn't I imagined them though. I kept thinking this could be my mate. We walked hand in hand to the library. We went in and grabbed a table near the back. It was the closest to privacy we could get with the pups in for their story time. I started simple. With the purchase of the land back in the 1600s and made it up until the 1800s when he started getting antsy. "Let's switch topics," I suggested. "Do you know what to expect when you meet your mate?" He stared at me. "I was raised rouge, not an idiot." He chuckled. "Of course I know what to expect. It just hasn't happened yet. "Well. " I wanted to know so bad but wanted to approach it delicately. "If your mate was under the age, would you tell them or wait?" He was silent while he pondered the question." I am pretty sure I would not tell them I'd give them time to finish school and learn about themselves first. Then, when they are of age, they'd know and we could start our life. I let out a sigh. "That sounds perfect." "What does?" My best friend Rain asked as she pulled a chair up. "And who are you?" I brought her up to speed. "Why the hell were people chasing you?" The librarian gave us a look. "Sorry." She lowered her voice. "Well?" "I have no idea. They weren't human though. Jaren here saved me though." I grinned at him "In that case,"Rain turned to him " A savior of Tani's is a friend of mine. Welcome back.How do you like it so far?" "I'm overwhelmed and we haven't even scratched the surface with everything I need to know, but I'm looking forward to learning. I think I have a great tutor." He winked at me. "That's enough of this for today. Let's go to the pond." Rain got up. "No can do. We're headed out to the mall for a break. Wanna come? I was hoping to draw the day out. Some shopping , a movie, dinner. I'm enjoying Jaren. "Well why the heck not. Just give me 5." Rain ran out "She seems fun." Jaren looked at my retreating friend. "She's the best." I tell him. "Lets go. I want to grab a few things from home before we head out." "Thank you for today. And the days to come. I really appreciate this." He gave me an awkward hug. I loved it. I wanted more but it wasn't the time. Soon. Very soon. I'd at least make a move to see if I could possibly be his mate. I'm sure I had the goofiest look on my face just thinking about it A/N I will try to update this daily. Its not going to be a short story by any means so bear with me and thanks for reading
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