They will pay

1041 Words

Chapter 18 Becca It was early. Too early for me, but here I was in the forest waiting on a man I had only met once and who had totally captivated me. The promise of power and wealth was too great of an opportunity to pass up. I waited in my human form. My wolf, Brenna, was not happy with me. It is her nature to want to do whats best for the pack. It is in my nature to do what is best for me. I think back to yesterday. Jaren is so stupid, he didn't even notice me yank a small hair from his head and scrape a few skin cells for good measure. I ran right home and put it in these sealed containers like he instructed me to do . I was sure to get a good reward for this. I think of the car he gave me just for some information. An Audi. Red. I had wanted one since a child and he made my dream co

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