Chapter 2 mate what

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Selena’s P.O.V   I walked into the house after saying bye to everyone and parking my jeep in the garage. Today had been a really boring day at school and all I wanted to do was just relax until it was time for my first shift.   “Hey, mom, dad, I’m home.” I said, running upstairs and throwing my bag on the bed.   “Hey honey, we’re in the living room.” My mom called out just as I was coming downstairs. I went to the living room and as soon as I walked in my dad stood up, showing me that we had company.   “Selena, I would like for you to meet Alpha Axel, he has come to watch you shift. Don’t worry, it's a tradition for an Alpha from another pack to come and watch the first shift of the second born child. I did the same with his father when Axel was born.” My dad said and I nodded, turning to say hello.   “MATE! MINE!” Alpha Axel said, growling and standing up from his seat. My mom and dad's eyes went almost as wide as mine, but then my dad growled as realisation hit him and he quickly stood in front of me. My dad growled at Axel again, but this time my mom came and stood between them.   “MERCURY BLACK!! DON’T YOU DARE! REMEMBER WHAT YOU DID WITH ANNA!!” My mom shouted and it seemed to do the trick because my dad calmed down a little bit.    “We won’t know for certain if they are mates or not until tonight after she has shifted her first shift. So calm your ass down.” My mom said, making my dad sigh and nod. I just stood there more than a little surprised about what had just happened and then I looked at Alpha Axel.    “It's very nice to meet you, Alpha Axel. I’m not really sure if we are mates or not, but I do feel something, I’m just not sure what it is just yet. If you will excuse me I need to get some rest before tonight, but I do hope you will stay for my first shift.” I said and Alpha Axel walked right over to me and inhaled my scent.   “You smell like lemon and oranges, beautiful, just beautiful. Selena, I will definitely be here. You get your rest.” Axel said, taking my hand in his and lifting it to his lips, kissing it. I smiled as he looked at me and cheekily winked at me before letting go of my hand. I walked out of the living room and ran up to my room, letting out the breath I didn’t know I had been holding. The first thing I did was take off my boots, strip out of my clothes and throw them in the hamper. I put on a pair of sweat shorts and another shirt, but before I could lay down on my bed my sister, Anna, walked into my room.   “Hey sis, mom linked and told me what was going on, are you okay?” Anna asked, sitting on the edge of my bed.   “Yeah, I’m okay, just a little overwhelmed. It feels like everything is happening all at once, first it's my birthday, then I finish my last day of school, then I come back here and I have a mate, plus it's my first shift tonight. It's all just a little, you know….wow. I’ll be okay once I get some rest and have had time to process everything.” I replied and Anna nodded.   “I understand, it's a lot to take in. Get your rest and I’ll be back up here to help you. You have five hours, okay.” Anna said and I nodded as she walked out of my room, closing the door behind her. I sat down on my bed, setting my alarm to go off in five hours, even though I knew that Anna would be back in here before it went off. I laid back on my bed, burying my head in my pillow and thinking about my first shift. I have watched others shift and from what I have seen and heard it looks painful, which I already understand that it will be, but I really hope it won’t be too painful. I closed my eyes, trying to just rest and relax, hoping for the best possible outcome with everything that would happen tonight.   Mercury’s P.O.V   I was still in the living room with Cheyenne and Alpha Axel, but I had finally managed to calm down. It was one hell of a shock to see my baby find her mate, especially so fast.   “Alpha Don Mercury, listen, you know how mates are and you know that all they want is to see them happy and safe, well that is what I want. I’m not after Selena for her powers, I honestly couldn’t care about them, all I want is to see her safe, happy and loved. I feel the mate bond and my wolf recognises her as our mate, but we will know for sure when she shifts tonight. Besides, you scare the s**t out of me, so there is no way I’m going to cross you.” Alpha Axel said and I couldn’t help but start laughing. It has been a long time since anyone has admitted out loud to my face that they were scared of me, let alone s**t scared and it felt nice to know that I was still able to make people feel that way, especially when it came to my daughter’s mates.   “Axel, for starters call me Mercury, if you are my daughters mate then you are going to be one of the family and I will not have my future son in law calling me by my title. I won’t allow William to do it, so I won’t allow you to either. Now like I said, I’m still not sure if you are my daughter's mate or not yet, we will find out tonight, but if you and she are mates then I have no idea what she will decide to do. She will have a big decision on whether she will want to go with you to your pack or not, but if she does decide to and I hear that you have hurt her in any kind of way, then Goddess help you because I will cut off your balls and shove them down your throat. Do I make myself clear?” I asked, warning him of what would happen and while he quickly nodded, Cheyenne rolled her eyes at me, but she knew I meant every word.   “Duly noted, Mercury and you do not need to worry about that. I will never hurt her, you have my word.” Axel replied and I nodded, knowing that he truly meant it, but it didn’t mean that I wasn’t going to keep an eye on him. Protecting my family was my number one priority and the fact that both my daughters now had mates wasn’t going to change that, if anything it was going to make me even more protective
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