Untitled Episode

1101 Words
I took deep steady breaths as I walked the halls to the Dukes wing. Thankfully the halls were empty and I didn't have to explain to anyone where I was going. The Duke had his personal man servant waiting outside the door and he quickly opened it escorting me in. I found myself in a well lit sitting room converted into a small dining room with a table for two in the middle. On any surface that was able there were candles lit and a large serving board had been set up with food already piled high ready to eat. "gorgeous as always." The Duke greeted me with a kiss on the cheek before leading me over to the table. I took a second to take him in. His dark blue shirt had been impeccably tailored to his body showing of a fit body that saw regular exercise and seemed to make his tan skin glow against it. His dark hair was slicked back from his face showing off his sharp cheekbones. "You may go Randall, no interruptions tonight." he dismissed his servant with a flick of his hands and we soon found ourselves alone. "Here." He pulled a chair out and I quickly took it. "I have taken this evening to be as stress free as possible." He said as he took his seat. The plate in front of me was already filled and it was filled with all the foods I loved. "This was a gift from a Elurian prince." He grabbed a bottle of wine that was to the side and quickly poured some into our cups. I took my glass raising it to my nose pleasantly surprised by the smell of crisp apples. When I took a sip the flavor exploded on my tongue crisp and clear with no bitterness. "That is beautiful." I said as I put the glass down. "Only the best." the Duke smiled as he took a bite of food. We passed the time with light banter as we ate carefully avoiding the topic of my departure in two days. As the time passed I could feel the wine going to my head even though I was barely through the second glass. "This is strong." I said as I picked up the glass and eyed the golden liquid. "yes I do believe it is." The Duke agreed even though his glass was still almost full. Desert was a apple tart so decedent I could have ate the whole thing by myself. We moved our conversation to chairs set up by the fireplace. By that time I was on my fourth cup of wine and well into its effects. At some point I had discarded my shoes and tucked my feet up under me leaning against the arm of the chair. I felt entirely at peace by the warm of the fire, listing to the Dukes soothing tone as he talked of summers pass. I had also found myself staring at the Duke watching his biceps flex against his silk shirt, his eyes crinkle with smile, the soft curve of his lips. I had to look away as my body started to warm in way it never had before. "The hour is growing late." The Duke said as he stood slowly and I slowly stood to as I groaned stretching out my legs. As soon as I was standing a dizzy spell took over and I started falling forward. I found myself in the Dukes arms his face smiling at me as he hugged me to his body. His hand slid up to the bare skin on the back of my neck and I gasped at the heat his touch caused radiating through my body. "Everything alright?" He asked his eyebrow raised at my reaction to his touch. "I..." My thoughts trailed off as he brought his hand to my waist sending a new wave of heat through me. There was nothing new with the way he was touching me but everything seemed more intense, more lustful. I licked my lips nervously and watched his eyes drop down to my lips. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before opening them. "I should let you go." he said softly but neither of us moved. After what felt like eternity he took his hand off my waist and brought it up to cup my cheek his thumb grazing my lower lip softly and another round of heat ripped through me bringing a low moan from my lips. He pulled me closer bringing his head down to give me the most intense kiss we had shared yet making my legs give out from under me thankfully his arms held me tight to him. Deep and demanding he expertly parted my lips with his tongue and I melted further into him. My whole body felt like it was on fire with small sparks going off. By the time the kiss ended I was flushed and breathless. The Duke leaned his forehead against mine and he was also breathless "will you stay?" his voice was low and hoarse as he stepped back to look down at me. I looked up into his blue eyes and felt a sense of calm come over me. It was my choice if I wanted to leave and keep things the way they have been, or stay and change everything. For a moment Kyro popped into my head, his green eyes full of disapproval and I quickly pushed it away, he had no say on what I did with my life. I leaned into him taking in the smell of sandalwood and the unique smell of him and it made me want to stay and wrap myself up in it. "Yes." The words had barely left my lips when his lips were on mine again. I lost my self in the kiss following his lead again when his tongue slid between my lips, our tongues caressing each other. At some point he had started to unbutton the back of my dress as I felt it loosen around my shoulder revealing my back to the cool night air but it was quickly replaced by his burning caress. My dress soon slid off my body into a silky pool on the floor and I paused when I realized I was just in my chemise but his kisses stated down my neck and I lost myself in the pleasure of it. A slight squeak left my mouth as he swept me up into his arms and I realized he was heading for his bedroom

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