Dinner with the duke

1035 Words
The next week was full of heavy planning, stocking of supplies, guards, horses and sending birds to Tanic to report our progress. Duke Rodrick had been generous with his gifts to the point I had to beg him to stop cause we ran out of mules to haul the trunks. While I had a small part in the planning I often found I was in the way or no help for problems that popped up. Duke Rodrick made sure my days weren't completely full of meetings and plans. He took me on a horse ride on the cliffs high above Ilium and even out on his personal small boat to teach me how to sail. We were down to the last two days before our departure and even the Duke could not distract me from the realization we would be back into danger. We were out on the highest balcony watching the sea as the sun's set behind the cliffs, strands of pink and orange illuminated the frothy waves as they crashed along the shore. It was beautiful and peaceful and I would soon be far from it. "Worried My dear?" the Duke asked as he came up behind me settling a cloak on my shoulders to fight off the chill that came with the night. "It is my constant state of being of late it seems." I replied as he wrapped his arms around me and I leaned back into him. His sent wrapped around me giving me a sense of calm only he seemed to be able to give me. "I want you to dine with me tonight." He whispered into my ear before placing a soft kiss on my neck. I smiled as I turned to face him, we had kept up our flirtation and stolen kisses through out the week. "I dine with you every night." I answered as I looked up at him. He hugged me closer to his chest, resting his chin on my head. "No, tonight I would like to dine with you in my chambers, just you and I. No Malverick going on and on over his impressive deeds. No Kyro gloom and doom glare and snippy comments. Just you and I in a peaceful place enjoying good food and each others company." I wrapped my arms around his waist snuggling deeper into his chest. "That sounds amazing." "Wonderful." He purred as he stepped back " I will go make sure everything is prepared." He gave me a quick kiss on the nose before hurrying off down the hall. I wrapped the cloak tighter around me missing his warmth as the last bits of light disappeared from the sky. I turned and headed to my rooms to get ready for the night. As soon as I told Tilly of the plans tonight she gave me a knowing smile as she flitted about my room getting everything ready. "I think tonight might be the night." She said as she started rummaging through the drawers my undergarments were in. "The night for what?" I asked as paused from going through the dresses. "The Night." she she winked at me. I opened my mouth and nothing came out so I promptly shut it." "A private dinner, the gifts, and the looks he gives you. He is making his move tonight." She waved her hand about her face as if she was trying to cool it off. "I don't think that's how this night is going." I said tentatively as I looked down at the dress I was originally going to wear, a simple violet color dress. "Of course if you don't want to then it won't happen. You have the power here Alia. If you want to then do it." she shrugged as she laid out the more delicate undergarments I had. "I know you were brought up that you virginity is a prize for who ever marries you but it isn't a hard set rule and I know that princess Beatrice already lost hers" I bit my lip as I touched the silken undergarments. She was right , while royalty took the virginity thing a little more serious there was no hard rule stating one had to keep her virginity in tact for her husband. though those who were found out were shunned until the next scandal. I also knew Beatrice had lost her virginity to a knight that had come for some training and had shortly left after the event. The way she described it there was pain, blood and sweat all things I tried to avoid as a general rule. Not to mention the mood tea she took to stop any unpleasant surprises was as she described it a muck of water and horse manure. "From what I heard it's not something I would enjoy." "Of course the first time isn't the most beautiful thing but the pain is fleeting especially if you have the right partner and I think the Duke knows his way around a woman." I blushed at her words and ducked my head. "It's of no concern. I will dress you like it will happen and we will see from there." Tilly didn't allow me to have any say in what I wore. she quickly took the dress I had in my hands and replaced it with a beautiful black and silver gown that showed just a small amount of cleavage but still didn't need a corset because in Tillys words no man wants to fumble with those. She swept my hair up into lovers knot held by one giant hair pin so once it was pulled my hair would smoothly fall about me. I sat nervously wondering if Tilly was looking to far into this. She lightly lined my eyes and applied a small amount of color to my lips. "Now if you don't want to or you change your mind and he pressures you give him a earful." she paused before c*****g her head " and then go get Kyro." she gave me a loving pat on the shoulder as I stood. I took a steading breath as I took one more look in the mirror. It was time for dinner
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