A Plan

2862 Words
I woke slowly the sound of softly spoken voices coming from somewhere around me. I felt as if I had been ran over by a carriage every muscle burning in pain. I tried to open my eyes but the light sent blazing pain through out my head so I laid still hoping the pain would pass. As I laid there voices of the King and Calbins became clearer as they moved closer to where I was. “Your a wizard tell me what happened out there.” The Kings voice had that cold steel to it that sent many a man scurrying away in fear. “I have no idea. There is no presidence for it.” I could tell from his voice that Calbin was flustered and I could almost see him running a hand nervously through his floppy hair. “There has to be something in all those books of yours.” “All those books are a pile ashes in the tower” Calbin voice was bitter. My heart went out to him for I knew how much he treasured those books. “She is like a daughter to me, I need to know what is happening to her.” My heart leapt at the Kings accention to how he felt for me. “What do we know of her mother?” Calbin asked. “Nothing, Lukas never mentioned her name or family.” The Kings voice seemed tired. “I have found something about the dragon and the deathwalker” Calbin said a quick in change in conversation to alleviate the kings mood. “Please give me news I can use.” Calbin cleared his throat as I heard pages rustle. “I found a prophecy in the writings of Malverick the Magnificent.” There was silence as I guessed the King was reading whatever book Calbin had managed to save from the castle. “This is impossible” The Kings voice was almost a whisper and I had to strain to hear the words he spoke next “There is no possible way a child could be born of both Kimet and the Goddess Lista’s creation.. Kimet created us, humans , Elves and Dwarves. Lista if I remember correctly was the protector of the forest, her creations were more of the animal variety.” “No you misread, the part is a child of Lista’s, half a god” Calbin interjected. The King snorted. “The gods are gone, there are no half gods alive.” There was a long stretch of silence where I thought they might have walked off but suddenly the King spoke and I nearly jumped off the bed. “Are messages still being received from Malverick.” I nearly gave myself away right there, Malverick was one of the most powerful wizards ever to be seen in the kingdom of Gavendale but that had been over 200 years ago. “Yes, once a year a message is received from sea by him.” Calbin answered just as quietly. “Do you think you would be able to convince him to leave his research of the Isle of Mist and come help us with his prophecy?” “I I I’m nnot ssure” Calbin stuttered. “We have to try” The Kings voice was slightly louder as his resolve and a plan built in his mind “He should also be able to help us with Alia if he is as great as history says he is.” I quickly shut my eyes as the curtains swished and I heard them come into my makeshift room. “You will go to Ilium to my brother let him know what happened here and then take a boat to the Isle of Mist. Alia will accompany you to Ilium but I will not risk her on a boat to that cursed Isle. I want him to help her if he can.” The Kings voice lowered as he got closer to the bed. “I want her safety to be foremost she is like a daughter to me. She will go as a ambassador for me and under no circumstances is she to know that she is there for Malverick to figure out what is going on with her.” “I understand” Calbin answered and I heard the curtains again as he left. “Alia” The kings voice was gentle as he touched my arm. I blinked my eyes slowly and sat up, the headache was still there but it was not as bad. “What happened?” I asked as I tried to act like I had just woke up. The King looked down at me and I could see the fatigue in the lines around his eyes as he rubbed a hand over his face. “I was hoping you could tell me.” He answered. I shook my head slowly as I remembered the night, the blood dragon, and the purple flames that had shot out of my hands. I reached absently towards my mothers necklace that layed comforting against my skin and absently stroked the smooth metal. “I believe you but I have to ask is there anything you need to tell me no matter how small.” He gazed down at me with kind green eyes and for a moment I almost told him about my ability to know the thoughts of animals and to convey my thoughts to them but i couldn’t. The words stuck in my throat and all I could think was the disappointment that would cloud his face if I told him. Instead like a coward I shook my head no. The King stared at me for a long moment and I thought he saw through my lie. “I believe you.” He said as he circled my bed “I have Calbin going on a special mission for me to retrieve a wizard who may be able to help us with this blood dragon problem. I want you to accompany him to Ilium as Representative for me.” I tried to look surprised and like I didn’t just listened to everything he just said. “Me? I am hardly one to be a ambassador your majesty.” I answered as I tried to find the words that would let me stay with him and the royal family “I am to young and never trained for it.” He smiled softly as he sat on the edge of the bed. “There are very few I trust to represent me, you are one of those and i have full trust of your ability to charm any one in your path.” I looked down at my hands as I let his words sink in knowing it wasn’t the only reason he wanted me to go but not able to say anything about it. “Of course your majesty” I answered softly nothing else for me to say. “How is the Queen?” I asked not wanting to sit in silence. “She was badly burned on half of her body and the physician says she had inhaled a vast amount of smoke but recovery looks good.” He stared ahead as if lost for a moment before he suddenly stood up. “I would like to keep your trip between you , me and Calbin til it is time for you to go. We have few supplies that were saved from the castle but you will get enough to get you there. Fortunately the horses were saved so you will have that beast of a horse of yours.” My heart soared at his words knowing that Grendall was alive. “I will tell no one.” I answered and he nodded before going out the tent flap. I leaned forward resting my forehead against my knees. Why did I have to be different? “What are ya doing sitting about? The King has given a order we are to move out within the hour and you need to change” Tilly busted into my tent her words crisp and firm. I jumped up grabbing her into a hug that made her grunt. “Your alive” I cried as I hugged her even harder and her arms wrapped around me making me feel safe and warm. “Of course I am alive.” She huffed as she drew back and I gave her a look over making sure she was truly all right and I could tell she was doing the same to me. “I was able to save some things from the rubble.” she rambled as she pulled a chest into the tent opening it to reveal some of my gowns. “They survived but they reek of smoke and might have some scorch marks” She pulled out my royal blue riding outfit shaking it out. In the chest were to other day dresses that had a few burn marks, one corset and my leather cloak. I grabbed the cloak searching the the soft deer hide for any damage. It was one of the few gifts Kyro had ever given to me and I gave a sigh of relief as it was unburned. “Get dressed” she tossed the riding outfit at me content she had shaken all the wrinkles out “ I will pack the rest of your stuff, going to be a long journey” I quickly changed into the outfit and looked at my bare feet in dismay. None of my boots or even slippers made it through the fire. “I’ll see if I can scrounge up a pair of riding boots but I despair at finding any that will fit those tiny feet of your unless they are a child’s.” Tilly hurried out of the tent. I peeked out after surprised we weren’t set up on the castle ground but were on the mainland just outside the village which had also been burned down to the ground. Several mismatched tents spread out in front of me and those who didn’t have tents sat in dejected clumps. Guards wove in between tents arms filled with supplies and weapons getting ready to move out. Off to the far side by the horses Kyro stood with the King two fiery red heads bent together talking about something that I would have loved to hear. “I found a pair but I fear they will fit ill.” Tilly nearly yelled as she hurried to the tent a pair of brown boots held tightly in her hands. Quickly I stepped into the boots slightly disappointed that they were to big but they would have to do until I was able to have another pair made. Tilly packed my things into a saddle bag she must have found quickly getting everything together. “The King is to tell us where we are to go in a little bit.” Tilly said as she placed the bag by the tent flap. I shivered as I thought of where i would go by myself to a wizard who will tell me what was wrong with me. I followed her out of the tent to the already gathering crowd. The Kind stood tall his face stoic as he looked over his subjects. I squeezed through the crowd making apologizes as I made my way to the front of the growing crowd. I looked around til I found where I wanted to be, Princess Beatrice stood to the side her hands twisting nervously as she looked at her father. I hurried over to her grabbing her hand in reassurance as I looked up at her father. “Thank the Gods your awake! I was so worried and no would tell me how you were.” She whispered to me as she squeezed my hand. “I’m as good as I can be giving the circumstances” I was relieved she touched me and didn’t shrink back from me. “What did you do last night?” She asked green eyes large with curiosity. “As soon as I know you’ll know.” I replied. She nodded as she turned her head back to her father. I took a deep breath of relief as we stood side by side. Thankful she loved me and things didn’t change when I did something weird like shoot purple fire from my hands. The King cleared his throat waiting for the crowd to quiet down and it did everyone waiting to hear what we were to do now. “Our Kingdom has come under attack, a enemy has burned down our homes in hope of bringing us to our knees. This enemy does not know us well.” His voice was loud and clear and he had everyone’s attention. “We are not the kind to crawl away from a fight, to tuck our tails between our legs and slink away. We held strong against the barbarian horde pushing them back deep into the frozen wasteland they had come from and we will do the same against this enemy.” He paused as he looked around meeting the eyes of many a men. “ I want those with family to shelter them to go, protect those you love. Those who have no place to go may come with me and my family. We travel to the kingdom Tanic to retrieve my army who has been training rigorously with our ally. We are to leave immediately and safe travels which ever road you travel.” He stepped quickly through the crowd Kyro falling in step beside him. Chaos erupted as he walked away everyone hurrying to get their things, some hugging saying goodbye as they split apart. I raced back to the tent grabbing my bag from Tilly as we hurried to where the royal family. Guards milled around in a protective circle as things were organized, the Queen was carried to a cart that looked like it had been pieced together and horses saddled. I ran my hands over Grendall looking for any harm but he looked to be unscathed. I closed my eyes finding the golden link that went to his mind and sent soothing words as I layed my head against his neck. His thoughts back to me were less soothing, letting me know he didn’t like being displaced from his comfy stable. I patted him on the neck as I broke the link. There was nothing I could do about his stable since it was burned to the ground and I was sure I would be getting less than friendly reminders as our journey went on. Once everything was packed the King waved over to me and I quickly walked to where he and Kyro stood. “We will split at the Silent Brook road. Kyro and ten guards will travel with you and Calbin to wherever the road will take you protecting you with their lives.” Kyro gave me a small bow as he looked at me with guarded eyes. “No one is to know until then.” He warned us both as he strode away. “Duchess Alia” Kyro gave me another formal bow something he had never done before his voice flat as if he talked to some high royal he didn’t know. “Sir Kyro” I answered back hoping sadness didn’t leak into my voice as he turned away going to his guards. My shoulders slumped as I walked back to Grendall. Next to the giant war charger Tilly sat upon a rather plump donkey. “What are you doing?” I asked her as I made sure Grendalls saddle was on tightly. “The King said you will have use of me since you will be going to Ilium.” She answered in a whisper looking around to make sure no one was close to hear her. “You should go to some of your family in Chartin.” She tisked as she gathered the reigns into her hand. “You are my family. I’ve raised you since you were 6 yr old and couldn’t be prouder.” “Even though I am a freak.” I asked as I mounted Grendall looking down at her tears stinging my eyes. Her face softened as she looked up at me. “You are not a freak. Power like that means you are meant for greatness, that the Gods have blessed you and are entrusting you with great power.” I let her words sink in as we started forward. I turned to take one last look of the place I had called home for the last ten years. Smoke still rose from the castle a burnt char of a rock sitting out into the sea. Tears fell down my cheek as the feeling this was the last time I would ever see it filled my body. I wiped the tears from my eyes as I turned back to the road and trying time in front of me.
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