The Dream

1246 Words
Things had been tense for the first week after the masquerade but as nothing happened things seemed to settle down. The King refused to talk about it and everyone else seemed to take his lead as if ignoring it would make it go away. As a way to try to make our life’s back to normal the King had lifted the Queens riding ban on me and Beatrice which was why we were out riding today. Though usually we didn’t have a squadron of guards riding at our backs. I turned slightly to see Kyro, his metal shining in the sun, riding along alert as he looked into the forest. We were riding up the mountain right on the mainland, from where we were we could see the castle sitting in the middle of the inlet, the sea quiet around it. I raised my head to the sun closing my eyes letting it soak into me. Beneath me, my mount, Grendel, the same horse I had escaped on all those years ago plodded on. Next to me Beatrice rode though she wasn’t as happy as she should have been but that was mostly due to the fact that Queen who was angry the King had let us go ridding had made sure we were ridding side saddle which was highly uncomfortable. I patted Grendal on the neck letting my mind wander and do something I never told anyone that I could do. I reached out to Grendal’s thoughts. It was always something I could do even as a young child. I just followed the thread, golden and tiny, leading to Grendal. He was happy to be out but he didn’t like side saddle either and he didn’t like how it smelled out here like something crawled out of a nasty hole. I blinked as I opened my eyes and took a deep breath but all I could smell was the sea breeze. “I can’t believe we have to have them following us.” Beatrice grumbled as she turned to me. I looked back at the bored guards. “What do you say we lose then for a little bit.” I whispered to her as I eyed the road ahead of us. We were coming up on another turn, one that would split taking two different paths up the mountain. Beatrice’s face glowed as she smiled and she gathered her mounts reigns in her hand. “We take the right trail.” She whispered as she got ready. I made sure I was well on Grendal before I sent him my thoughts. He pranced under my feet as he readied himself. I looked over at Beatrice and gave a small nod. Without another words she laid her heels into her horse and we took off down the road. I laughed as I glanced back and saw the astonished faces of the guards just before we went around the corner. We took the right trail and we quickly were deep in the forest, behind us I could here the guards yelling as they came on the split wondering which way we had gone. We kept going til we felt the horses tire under us, then we brought them to a walk. “I feel much better now except my foot is thrown over the side” Beatrice said. I was about to answer when both horses threw their heads, stepping nervously back. I quickly reached out to Grendals thoughts and again it was that smell but it was much stronger now. “Maybe we should head back.” I said as I turned Grendal around. As I turned I saw something that made my blood run cold. It was like a nightmare coming to life, something that had haunted my dreams since I was little. It was bent with green skin and lanky black hair. Red eyes glared at me as it hissed showing sharp teeth. Goblin. For a minute I was frozen as I stared at the horrid thing. Until it raised a bow taking aim right at me. “Go!” I screamed as I kicked Grendal but he didn’t need any motivation and either did Beatrice who had seen the same thing I had. We tore off down the trail, a arrow whizzing close to my head making me lean down closer to Grendal. As we turned a corner we nearly ran over Kyro who had about half of his guards apparently they had decided to split up to find us. “What do you two think you were doing riding off like that?” Snapped Kyro as he pulled his horse up short. “Goblins!” I gasped not giving him a chance to say any more. “What?” He stilled as his eyes went to the forest around us. The other guards quickly moved around us making a human shield. “Are you sure?” he asked as he never took his eyes off the forest. “Yes very sure!” “Go back to the castle. Do not stop til you get there. Tell the King.” Kyro’s voice didn’t give room for argument and I wasn’t going to give any as I turned back to the path and Grendal raced on. Behind us I could hear Kyro yelling at his guards to circle up and protect our retreat. I leaned close to Grendal linking to his thoughts, he would be far more aware if there were goblins around. I pulled Grendal up sharply up as we entered the village that was just before the bridge that led to the castle. “Goblins” I yelled at the first guard I say before I wheeled Grendal around racing towards the bridge. As we crossed the bridge and entered the court yard I turned Grendal towards the training yard sending guards scattering as we raced into their mists. I glanced around frantically til I found the man I was looking for. Kyro’s lieutenant, Jonas, was a grizzled man who once had scared me with his gruffness. “Goblins of the mountain pass.” I gasped as I slid from Grendals back. “Kyro is holding them off” Jonas didn’t question me to see if the words i said were true but instead quickly set about getting men ready to go aid Kyro. Someone had sent word to the King who came out dressed in his armor. “I want the village evacuated. All should be brought into the castle walls. Once I am back with the guards we pull the bridge up. We are to board up until we eliminate the threat.” his words echoed through the training yard and the guards scrambled even faster for weapons and mounts. “You two into the castle. I have guards inside to personally protect you of the threat comes to the castle. “Father must you go out there?” Princess Beatrice asked her face full of worry. The King smiled and patted her cheek. “I am the King and as such must protect my kingdom.” He turned as his giant black war charger was brought out and quickly mounted up. He didn’t wait to see if the guards were ready but spurred his horse out ahead into danger. “What will happen now?” She asked me as she grabbed my hand. I wished to say something encouraging, to sooth her worries but I had no words
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