374 Words

CHAPTER TEN –––––––– * * * * A day and a half earlier at around 11 pm July 17th –––––––– * * * * FIVE MINUTES AFTER eleven p.m., the plane took off for Turkey, the first leg of her flight. Onboard, Kate wondered for the tenth time what the heck she had been thinking to fly halfway around the world in the spur of the moment. It was a very long flight, even with the layover in Istanbul. Kate had already sent a message to Ryan to let him know that he could find the money at the front desk of the hotel at four in the afternoon the following day. She had reserved enough time to get from the airport to the hotel and rest for a while. She had also cautiously banked some time in case of any delays during her trip. Kate had read Ryan’s enthusiastic reply, but she didn’t answer the phone wh

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