Chapter One-3

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This requires some additional research, Denise thought, as she tugged upward on the back zipper of her new leather cat suit. She looked at her watch, which was an original work of jeweler’s art, fashioned from a length of silver chain that captured the watch face inside one large chain link. Checking the watch yet another time, Denise thought: I may just have time to get that little cunt set up for some new entertainment later this evening. If I do the set-up now, she’ll be warmed up and ready when I get home. So, with this in mind, she went back down to the basement and released a contrite Nancy, instructing her to walk slowly into another adjoining room and take up a position in a new device that she, Denise, had just obtained from her personal blacksmith/ironworker. Sitting on the stone cellar floor, it looked like some sort of giant silver insect with a sturdy center post as its backbone, fully chromed and sparkling in the dim cellar light. The gadget looked menacing enough for Nancy, who was lightly restrained with just shackles and manacles, to stop and try to retreat to the relative safety of her hanging cage. “We’ll have none of that, cunt,” Denise spat, poking the girl with a long, sharpened metal poker with three forked tips as she shuffled along in the short-chained shackles, her arms chained behind her back. “Get your ass down there, lie flat on your belly and bend your knees so I can put your feet into those raised cuffs,” she said, tapping the pair of elevated metal bands that were attached to an adjustable spreader bar and supported by the thick center post that had a variety of evil-looking attachments arranged on its length. The device held nine circular metal bands of various configurations. Three of these bands were at the head of the iron insect, four more were at the midsection and the final two were the raised ones held by the steel spreader bar support and about a meter apart. Confused about where Denise wanted her to put her feet, Nancy nevertheless lay face down on the cold floor and bent her knees until Denise positioned her so that the two spreader bar cuffs aligned with her raised ankles. Denise bent and unlocked the girl’s light shackles, then closed the heavier ones on the insect-like thing to fit snugly around Nancy’s ankles. She then attached a pair of large metal dildoes to the tree-like vertical bar that held the ankle spreader. She dipped each dong into a clear lubricant gel and inserted them into Nancy’s unresisting asshole and cunt. Nancy actually hummed a bit as the two chromed c***s penetrated her lower holes. Constantly restrained, she often fantasized that she was being held by people who sought to have endless s*x with her and this forced penetration by Denise’s inanimate objects was, Nancy considered, at least a stimulating alternative to being hung up from the ceiling and flogged. “Now raise you arms,” Denise instructed. “I’ll take off the manacles and then we’ll feed your hands through the two sets of cuffs. Just do it.” Nancy complied. When the manacles were off, she let Denise guide her right hand through the first cuff closer to her head and continue to the next cuff that was connected to the upright holding the implanted dongs. The wrist cuffs snapped closed and then the ones at Nancy’s elbows also were locked tight. The effect of this was to pull her body towards the central post with the impaling dildoes and the upright that supported them. If she tugged on her wrists, the dongs were driven deeper. Her left arm followed the right and was quickly locked into both of its dedicated metal bands. Nancy was now bound to the steel insect structure. Any movement was telegraphed to the double dongs inside her. This set-up completed, Denise then adjusted the last set of three different bands which were open and posed directly behind Nancy’s neck. The first band went around her forehead as Denise forced Nancy’s head back until the band pressed hard against the skin just above her eyebrows and was locked tight, securing her head in a fully pulled back posture and looking as uncomfortable as it in fact was. Nancy snorted at this painful confinement, closing her eyes and feeling the pressure mount from her bent neck. The second metal band went around Nancy’s neck and was also locked in place, this exerted some additional strain on the girl’s throat, but the pressure on her forehead was greater, so there was no danger of her choking from the collar. “And now, my dear little slut,” Denise added, as she turned a wing nut that tightened up the head band, “the third confinement is simply this excellent and mouth-filling gag arrangement.” Denise removed the older gag that Nancy had worn all day while hanging in the cage and replaced it with a metal mouthpiece that had small spikes in the top and bottom. As it went into her mouth, the girl, sensing the sharpened posts on the mouthpiece, tried to resist it, but her frail efforts were to no avail. The harsh metal gag and mouthpiece went in, deeper and deeper, until Nancy’s teeth slipped into the assigned grooves and the pointed spikes poked with menace at her palate and tongue. “You will find this little oral plug is well designed to keep you alert and quiet,” Denise said as she went about tightening various parts of the chromed metal framework. “If you try to bite down, the spikes will alert you to your misguided move. If you open wider, the pressure springs will simply drive the spikes further, so your best bet is to not move your jaws one little bit. One bit, get it?” Denise cackled. Nancy emitted a muffled howl as the spikes made contact with her tongue and the roof of her already sensitive mouth. “Just for our mutual entertainment,” Denise said, “I’m going to snug up the frame so that everything is quite secure. You’ll, of course, be able to pull on your arms and wrists a bit now and that will enable you to ride the double plugs up your ass and cunt. In a few minutes, you’ll find that this can be very entertaining and perhaps, after the first three or four orgasms, also somewhat tiring. The head gear will keep your head and mind focused on what is going on in your lower portals and, in a few hours, you’ll long to be back in your menial hanging cage. “I’m off to the party, dear. Enjoy the double f**k. Oh, and if you are good, I’ll take the n****e clips off for the night when I get back…of course, by then it may be morning…oh well, nighty night.” Locking the doors behind her, Denise headed back upstairs, all the while wondering if she had perhaps omitted anything that might bring even more discomfort and erotic stimulation to her charge. She had already ordered a second “pony fucker” as she had christened the device that Nancy was now experiencing and it was with more than a little interest that Denise wondered how she might arrange the two machines and the two suffering captives in such a way as they could and would bring about more stimuli to each other, either intentionally or by accident. If the party gets dull, as they usually do, Denise thought, maybe I can pick up something to bring back and entertain the girls and me in the greenhouse cellars. A nice young thing still in college would be good. They are always easily convinced to come home with “Mamma”. That would be fun. It would be better though, if I could find and bring Carol, that tramp, back to the cellar and flog her witless with the cat for a few strokes as well before I put her and Nancy in the same machines. Denise’s new leather suit fit perfectly, blatantly displaying her physical assets: her long legs complimented by a pair of outrageously tall stiletto heels, her runway flat belly, narrow waist and more than adequately flared hips, her nearly perfect breasts and her patrician face with the long, black tresses pulled harshly back and bound up into a single flowing ponytail. She wore a half mask that shielded her evil eyes, a necessity she discovered years before when it became obvious to her that some perceptive observers saw less than an honest face and shining personality behind those dark eyes. The sheer screens over each eye allowed her to survey the area of her vision without betraying her thoughts or motives so obviously. Denise was indeed an evil and dangerous person. She made it her business to seek out and capture attractive and pliable young creatures that needed her special attention. Dozens, if not hundreds of young men and women had, over the years, been treated to Denise’s attentions, most of them surviving the rituals in the main house and on fewer occasions, if they merited it, in the cellars below. Only a few special and consenting cases ever got treated to the entertainments of the greenhouse basement rooms, but all agreed, if you could ply it from them, that Denise had a way with young people. No one ever complained or chose to expose her activities and erotic interests. Perhaps this was because after being shown the highly personalized videos and counting their cash compensation, they had little or no interest in having anyone else; their parents, spouses, bosses or relatives, know what they found so fascinating while visiting the mysterious owner of the nursery. *** In the second cage in the same room with Nancy was Nora Simmons, another contract employee of the nursery. Nora was 21, tall and fit with a fine, visually exciting figure. She was also silent. She neither moved nor made any sound. Her excellent, athletic, young body was completely encased in a thin, nearly transparent latex suit that covered every millimeter of skin, from her toes to the top of her head. The only exceptions were small, invisible holes for each nostril, n*****s and at the crotch. The suit was so tight that every element of Nora’s superb exterior was clearly visible and evident through the suit. Only the long braid of silky auburn hair that sprouted from the top of the head-encasing hood and was chained to the overhead beam indicated that a live person, Nora, even existed inside the suit. Nora also wore a remarkably erotic combination of metal encumbrances which could have been called metallic outerwear, but were really a form of metal underwear that went over the rubber suit. Around her hips was a bright stainless steel bikini thong and over her chest was a bra of similar style and design. These items were complimented by a thick metal collar and a helmet not unlike those of the Middle Ages knights, except that this helmet covered her entire face. Her wrists were cuffed to the back of the metal thong and her elbows also cuffed and chained to the rear portion of the chromed steel bra. To the casual eye, it seemed that all of these metallic items were seamlessly welded to Nora’s body. They fit as neatly and as snug as the latex suit. No openings or key holes were apparent. In fact, they were locked in place with small Allen bolts that almost disappeared into the sides and rear of each item. The bikini thong, which neatly segmented Nora’s finely sculptured buttocks, was of a clam-shell design with a hinge at the most narrow portion of the device where it was centered between her legs. Putting it on was easy, if your subject remained motionless while the two halves of the garment were slipped between her legs, the deeply indented center crease that cleaved the buttocks was pressed inward so that the metal seam insinuated itself all the way up the ass crack and drove the attached, meanly serrated steel dildo completely up the wearer’s asshole. Then the cold steel garment was pulled up and closed over the hips with nearly invisible bolts on either side. The bra was equally ingenious and required that the cups be first applied to the breasts so that the exposed n*****s were thrust through the small holes in the apex of each cup, then the hinged sides were pulled around over the ribs and locked at the center of the back. Welded on rings allowed for the elbows to be drawn back and chained in place while narrow, flat chains went over the shoulders, crossed in back and locked into place on either side at the shoulder blades. The garments were not so much restraints as attachment points where chains and other restrictions could be fastened.
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