Chapter One-2

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Each ankle was chained to the side of the cage, keeping her feet wide apart. As incongruous as it seemed, she still wore an absurdly strict pair of black patent high heels with ankle straps that were not the original leather, but black anodized metal with small hidden locks instead. The shoes complimented her smoky black hose that were kept in place with a skimpy black lace suspender belt. Steel spreader bars between ankles and knees assured that Nancy could not bring her legs together, even in the close confines of the cage. The bright silvery cuffs of the spreaders contrasted well with the black hose. Although her face was tear-stained, she wasn’t crying any more. A few well timed shocks to various parts of her slim anatomy had discouraged muted screams, whimperings and other demonstrations of her unhappiness with her confinement situation. The wires leading from her waxed smooth crotch and those taped to her small pink n*****s still hung down and extended to a control box on the nearby shelf, but the power to the shock generator was not on. Denise controlled that by remote switches in her pocket. For the moment, Denise had given up on her interrogation of this hopelessly stupid slave and settled for a long night of corrections which included electrical and physical stimulus to the poor girl’s body. Leaving Nancy to suffer alone, Denise was back in her nearby residence, getting ready to head out for a party in town. She was not pleased that her prolonged electrical torture of Nancy failed to yield any useful information about Carol’s whereabouts or places she would likely flee to. But then, when Denise did a bit of self-analysis, she realized that from the start of the session, she was reasonably certain that Nancy actually knew nothing. What a pity. Denise thought. The ignorant little slut really knows nothing. How would she? They are always gagged and don’t communicate between the cages. Oh well, she still has entertainment value, I suppose. Nevertheless, the afternoon’s fun and games, incorporating a thorough spanking, the confinement in the hanging cage and hooking the young woman up to the electric shock device provided sufficient entertainment for Denise to find herself in need of some s****l relief. So, while she anxiously massaged her own cunt with a portable electric vibrating wand, Denise continued to torment Nancy remotely with a cattle prod-like device that was mounted on the side of the cage, only a few inches from the girl. When triggered in close proximity to girl flesh, the device bridged the air gap with a blue spark and allowed Denise to further accelerate her own excitement while asking Nancy one pointless question after another over the intercom. Even with the prospect of the late afternoon party, Denise felt that to totally abandon torturing Nancy was something she could not do…yet. “Where was she going?” Denise pressed, emphasizing her query with a sharp, two-second shot of high voltage from the prod directly to the base of the steel p***s probe submerged in Nancy’s ass. The girl shuddered and screamed a nearly silent scream into the gag. She had endured similar torments at her mistress’ hands for what seemed like decades, but she knew that in fact she had only been under Denise’s control for a few months. That knowledge didn’t mitigate the pain and discomfort visited daily upon her young, suffering body. Nancy endured mostly because there was nothing else to do. She felt the pain, endured the humiliation and at times secretly reveled in the punishment that she had sought when she lived at home. Her parents, living in an alcoholic stupor for weeks at a time, cared little about her feelings and frustrations and even less about their daughter’s well being, so when Nancy left home, quit school and fled to this small town a thousand miles from her home, no one cared or even missed her. Denise, on the other hand, was the picture of a caring, but dominating supervisory parent. It was Denise who had insisted that Nancy get a GED and forced her to spend hours at night in the cellar, chained to the wall next to the computer until the sought after degree was achieved. It was Denise who, in an odd moment of false charity, sent Nancy off to the nearest city for a two week adventure, all expenses paid, with the caveat that she return to the florist shop and bring another attractive, young and submissive girl with her. On her second night in a mid range hotel, Nancy encountered Carol, who was waiting tables in the hotel’s bar. They struck up a conversation, closed the bar at two in the morning and roamed the coastal city until daylight, bonded by loneliness and what was slowly becoming a clear s****l interest between them. By the end of the first week, they were sleeping together and when Nancy went back to the florist shop, Carol accompanied her. “You know where she would go, don’t you, you little cunt?” Denise insisted, sending another salvo of multiple shocks to Nancy’s exposed ass and to the second metal dildoe up her bisected cunt and watching the large, flat screen monitor in her bedroom with increasing excitement. Nancy sobbed, shaking her head. She knew nothing about where her friend and companion in what they secretly called Denise’s Torture Shop might be. Maybe I should replace that false d**k in her ass with “the wiggler”, Denise thought, visualizing the grossly graphic rubber c**k that housed three tiny motors and, when activated by remote, could literally dance its ugly way across a floor, twisting and jumping about with the same enthusiasm as a speared shark when hauled aboard a boat. That dreadful thing would make even The Pope tell all. “This can get nasty if you won’t tell me,” Denise said out loud, adjusting the second prod’s voltage control knob a bit higher while sending three two-second waves of raw power through both of Nancy’s fulsome, shaking breasts. The girl said nothing. She made no sounds other than the continuous moans and sobs from behind the gag. Denise knew, of course, that no one was likely to even consider Carol’s present whereabouts because when she turned the bound and inadequately clothed young woman out into the winter cold earlier that day, she shouted strict instructions that Carol was not to return at all until Monday, two days hence. So Denise assumed that Carol went someplace to get out of the weather and now, she dearly wanted to know where that shelter might be. Nancy knew nothing. She hadn’t even known that her friend, unchained and taken out of her nearby cage in the early morning hours, was gone. So Denise returned to the basement, dressed in full party attire and persisted in tormenting Nancy for over an hour, sending wave after wave of electric current, first in short jolts to the electrodes wired to the metal dildos in Nancy’s cunt and ass and then progressing to combination shocks to crotch, n*****s and tongue until the girl passed out and hung limp from the padded wrists cuffs. Reviving her was also good sport. Denise used a collection of various liquids, including a strong salt solution and a non-toxic, but slightly caustic liquid fertilizer, all near freezing temperature, to bring the girl around just in time for yet another prolonged charge of electricity to the five key nerve areas of the slim, subtle body. For Denise, the true beauty of this endless game was that when she wanted, she could sit in a comfortable chair with a beverage of her choice on the nearby table and press control buttons while not even looking at her suffering captive. She could do it as long and as often as she liked and not fear any retribution of any kind. If anyone found out or happened to wonder why Nancy appeared to be less than comfortable at times while she performed her floral duties in the shop, Denise would say that the girl partied too much and was probably doing drugs as well. If pressed further, she could produce the agreement that said, among other things, that Nancy was one of her indentured employees, meaning, of course, that until Nancy paid off the money that she owed Denise for such things as bed and board, she was to work in Denise’s service. Critical to the arrangement, which essentially was an outlawed form of human slavery, was the paragraph in bold italic that pointed out that there was nothing to prevent Nancy from just walking away and paying off the debt some other way. Essentially a binding legal contract, it specified that Denise had the right to use whatever “motivators and incentives”, (read as “punishments”) she thought suited the moment, as long as no permanent harm resulted. Further investigation by prying busybodies would show that Nancy was paid handsomely for her work and that her bank account and pay statements demonstrated that she was well compensated for her work in the flower shop. She could, in fact, pay off the so-called debt at any time and have plenty of money left over. Nevertheless, the degree of influence Denise held over her employees was extremely high and no one ever left the business voluntarily. The binding agreement between the three young female employees and their deranged employer showed that they agreed to “such disciplinary actions, mental and physical, as the business owner provided. This, in some cases,” the contract specified, “might include, but was not limited to, detention on the property, longer working hours, enforced seclusion and volunteering for experiments, some of them extremely uncomfortable.” It also spelled out that the employees might be required to wear “special uniforms and work clothing,” while enduring physical duress associated with using some of the business’s arcane horticultural devices. If the case was pressed, any solicitor or lawyer worth their salt would decide that Denise, while probably within her legal rights and the terms of the contract, could be in violation of multiple laws concerning inhuman treatment of employees, painful and unnecessary punishments and a list of other activities that Denise pursued daily with each of her charges. But because Denise could in fact apply as much physical or mental abuse upon the person of Nancy or her other employees, as long as they did not object, the issue was moot. Such an arrangement, being close to indentured servitude, was, in the end, questionable, but marginally legal. So, this winter morning, Nancy hung in her cage by her tormented and bruised wrists and arms, pissing into a catheter with a long clear tube sprouting from her frontal slit and terminating in a five liter jug that was sometimes used for floral displays. In order to, as Denise put it, “further correct poor attitude and encourage more acceptable and civil behavior,” Nancy wore a pair of small clamps on each n****e. These were common metal clamps often used in the nursery to hold plants in a fixed position and they had a screw adjustment that could be tightened to the point where it could actually crush a n****e or just compress it enough to bring a steady flow of pain that could go on for hours. On special occasions, when Denise was feeling so inclined, she clamped each n****e to the metal bands of the cage, just as she did a newly spliced hybrid plant stem, seriously restricting any movement by the girl within the enclosure. The electric wires that carried current to the girl’s already reddened breasts were usually taped to the base of each n****e, but today they were wound around the screws on each clamp, providing an alternate pain source and supplementing the clamps’ unrelenting pressure. Later, once again back in her bedroom at home, Denise debated in her head the plausibility of using something more than electricity on the incommunicative and taciturn young employee. Perhaps, she thought, it was time to move to a different room just down the hall from the one where the cages hung. There, Denise contemplated, she could apply an assortment of whips, branding irons and flogging tools to Nancy’s lovely, narrow thighs, to her nicely rounded buns that screamed for the cane and even, perhaps, Denise speculated, to those firm, twin chest turrets thus far unmarked…well, almost unmarked, unless you considered the n****e clamps. Somewhere in the not too distant future, Denise thought, there was the distinct possibility of getting Carol, (after she came back to Denise’s shop), and Nancy to perhaps indulge in some girl/girl play, during which Denise might insert herself.
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