Chapter 28

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BRIELLE It was midnight already when I decided to go home. I was avoiding getting home early since my dad was still awake in those hours. My things were still at the university, but my way there was too far and I had no vehicle with me to ride on. I contacted Queen, but he told me that he did not bring his car with him, so he suggested I go home instead of going back to the camp. I guessed I would just have to explain to my dad about this the next morning. But as I went to the door, which was luckily opened, my dad who was sitting on the sofa with crossed arms in the living room, surprised me. My eyes were widened and for some time, I was stuck on my spot, staring at him. "I didn't know that the camp would end at this hour," he said, scathingly looking at me. "Why didn't you inform me, Brielle?" "Dad," I smiled, "you didn't also tell me that you are still awake." I came to him and hugged him. "You can't trick with that sweet hug of yours, Brielle. However, I appreciate it. But why did you leave the camp?" He raised his brow at me. "Didn't I tell you that you must stay there until it ended?" "I'm sorry, Dad." Daddy Sy looked directly into my eyes. "I know where you've been. I called Czar and he told me that he can't find you in your tent. He asked your classmates about you, and they told him that you left the university. The thing that was making me wonder is, why did the university let you out at this point in time? What if something bad happens to you? It's their responsibility, they should know. Unless you escape." "I can't do anything but escape, Dad. Aunt Yadora just fainted and she was out of herself and that's why Uncle Hernan called me. I'm worried about them, Dad, so I left the camp. I hope you understand." "I knew it, and you said it yourself," he tsk-tsked. "Tell me, do you also care for yourself, Brielle?" "Of course I do, Dad." "If that's the case, then you should be focusing on yourself first. You're not still healed, how can you care for others?" "I'm healing time by time, Dad. You're just the only one who believes I ain't. Besides, it was Aunt Yadora. She's like my second mom and I can't bear to hear that news about her without doing anything. I can't be selfish this time, Dad. I know I've listened to you and obeyed your rules even though it's being constrictive already." "I do things for your sake, Brielle. Can't you understand me as well? I'm doing everything for you and for Akie because I won't know what to do anymore if I lost one of you again." Daddy's eyes were not teary, but still, the hurt in him could be seen. He lost a wife and a mother to his children, and that was what his pain was coming from. He sat on the sofa with a strong and fixed posture, but he could not hide his weak emotion despite that. On the other side, my tears started to shed. After I exited Serinokuni, I told myself that I would not cry again for I learned to be strong there. But seeing my dad like this, I thought I was wrong. I was still weak and there was no way to be numb when it would come to the family. With still my heart beating weakly, I hugged dad and asked sorry for my stubbornness. I recognized my mistakes and admitted I was wrong. Perhaps I needed to be happy again, that despite the losing game, there were still opportunities to win. "You didn't even care to answer my calls," Dad cried. "I'm starting to wonder if ever you're listening to me." I faced him as he mentioned the missed calls he had on me. "It's a long story, Dad," I said. I was thinking if I would tell him things or should I keep it to myself first. But wasn't it unfair that I told Queen already about Serinokuni, yet I didn't care to tell my dad what exactly had happened to me during those days that he worried the most? After making a decision, I told my dad to sit on the sofa again as I would tell him the story. My heart was beating rapidly as I prepared myself to speak about Serinokuni for the fear that he could doubt me. "Dad," I said, "do you believe in fantasy? In magics?" My father placed his fingers on his chin as he looked down as if he was thinking deeply of what he would be going to respond to. He stared away, and after some time, he turned his gaze again at me. "I don't believe in magic, why?" he said. "What if I told you that it's true? And that magical world indeed exists?" Dad expressed hesitations. "Maybe these things are just products of our imaginations. They are what we called unreal creations. They are just myths to bring color to this dull world. Even ghosts are not real; they are just made to scare people. I don't believe in supernatural and paranormal at all. Crazy people do." I pouted. "What if I told you I believed in them? Are you going to think I am crazy?" Dad laughed his ass off. "I know you are joking, Brielle." He even clapped as he chuckled, to the point that he was turning red already. "Is there anything fun to what I've said, Dad?" I creased my brow. And now I was trying to back off because my father did not stop laughing. I could think he would just laugh all along if he continued hearing my story. Should I tell or not? I groaned to catch my dad's attention; fortunately, he did turn his glance at me and asked me what was wrong. "I'm not joking, Dad. I really believe in magic because I've seen them in my eyes." Dad's eyes widened. "Really? Did I just raise a joker in this family?" His face turned serious. "Or are you trying to take my mind away from your faults? From your stubbornness, eh?" "I'm not," I crossed my arms. "Besides, we're done in that. What I'm telling you, Dad, is real. Would you mind hearing my story first before you judge me?" "Are you really serious? 'Cause I ain't playing with you, Brielle." "I won't waste my time for a joke, Dad, especially in these hours. But because I have to prove to you that I care for you and I do listen to you, I have to tell this story so you could see my side." Dad asked for a pardon and told me to just continue telling the story. He fixed his posture as he waited for me to start. All of a sudden, his mood changed and it seemed like he was now ready to listen to me— seriously. Before starting, I took a deep breath first. There was still the fear that he could doubt me, but the hesitation of telling him the story just faded. I was certain to tell him about it already for I knew that he deserved to hear every update from me, especially when it was significant. I began telling him about the green door which I saw in the portal that lead me to Serinokuni. By just that, I could see that he was astonished. "How can a green door lead you to another world?" Dad asked, still with his eyes widened. "Have you taken a picture of it?" I shook my head. "That wasn't in my mind when I saw it, Dad. Actually, we were prohibited to bring our phones during the activities, I was just surprised that my phone was in my pocket," I said. "Also, I was that amazed, so I didn't mind anymore to record everything because I was enjoying it actually." "And that world you were in is called Serinokuni?" "Yeah, I wouldn't know it not until someone living there told me about it." Dad expressed hesitations. "Do you believe me, Dad?" "Uh... I don't think so. Would you please continue?" he asked. Since it was just the beginning of the story and I had not convinced him yet, I continued sharing till the moment that Prince Valor saw me there and almost killed me because of suspecting me as one of their enemies. After hearing that, Dad's widened eyes turned small, flaming. "Is that even real?" he asked. "If it is, then tell me where is that Valor and I would be going to kill him with my," he raised his clenched fist, "armor." I giggled. "Dad's crazy!" "What's funny? I'm damn serious here, Brielle. No one's gonna hurt my princess, even that prince you are telling me! You were almost killed there, and still, you are laughing?" "Wait, okay? Take it down, Dad. Would you like me to finish first?" I let out a soft chuckle. "Swear you're not gonna hate him anymore once you heard the whole story." Dad took down his arm and lend me his ears again. As he was hearing every part of the story, his mood also would change. When he knew that Prince Valor was the one who assisted me there, his blazing eyes somehow warmed. "So, that prince help you with everything you needed there?" he asked, crossing his arms. "Exactly, Dad. He would bring me food and clothes. He guided me in Serinokuni." "How about your room?" Dad raised his brow. "Did he lend you a bed where you could lay on?" "Yes, he did." I ended there before my tongue could slip and tell him that the room I stayed in was Prince Valor's property and that I slept there with him. "Okay then, he's good. Continue." Before continuing, I thought first if I would be going to tell him as well the punishment given to me in Serinokuni. Should I tell him that the queen there was so mad at me? Should I tell him that for my days of staying there, my life was put at stake? Thinking of the consequences that could affect my dad once he heard the entire story, I didn't continue. Instead, I proceeded right away to how Prince Valor helped me get out of Serinokuni. After hearing that, a wide smile touched his lip. "That was a great story!" he said, even clapping. "When did you become a great storyteller, my daughter?" I pouted. "I knew it, you won't believe me." I stood. "Okay, I'll sleep now, Dad. Thanks for li-" "I believe you, Brielle," he cut me off. I was about to smile but fortunately, I was able to not show it to him. "Really? You believe me?" "You are stubborn most of the time, but I know you won't lie to me," Dad said as he stood and hugged me. "Just please, be safe, my daughter. I don't know everything that you've experienced exactly there, 'cause I know you won't tell me everything. But I hope one of these days, you'll be going to tell me everything about Serinokuni. Go ahead now and take a good sleep." Before leaving, I had taken time first hugging my dad. It had been months now since I last hugged him because we often had arguments. I just wanted to taste the moment of his warm hugs that showed his love and care for me. "I love you, Dad," I told him. I was about to leave after he responded when a little voice aroused in the place. "What's happening there?" I turned around and saw Akie walking towards us while rubbing his eyes. "Akie," I uttered. "C'mon, my dear, why did you come out of your room?" Daddy Sy asked him. Akie walked towards us and hugged me. "I heard voices over here, so I went down to see it. I know Brielle's voice, and I missed it so much." I chuckled. "I was only gone for one day. Aren't you overreacting, huh?" "No, I'm not. I really missed you." "Aw, that was too sweet. I missed you, too!" I hugged him even tighter. "But Big Sis still have to attend the camp. It's still ongoing and I'll be going back to the university tomorrow morning." "Can I come with you?" "How I wish you can come with me, but it's prohibited. Besides, you still have a class for tomorrow, right?" "Uh-huh," Akie nodded. "Then, we should go back to bed now. Do you want to sleep beside Brielle?" Akie turned his smiling face at me and said, "Of course, I do!" However, the beam on his lip faded away immediately. "But I don't think so Dad will allow me." "Of course you can sleep with your big sis," Daddy Sy said with a smile. "The two of you can go now and you still need to wake up early tomorrow." The two of us thanked Dad before going to the room. When we arrived there, I prepared the bed right away for Akie to go back to sleep. However, as I told him to rest again, he told me that he could not sleep. "What's the matter?" I asked him. "I was just wondering how firefly looked like," he said, looking at me. "Firefly?" I creased my brow. Akie nodded. "There's a flying light in my room, but I don't know if it's a firefly. Big Sis, it was tiny and beautiful. It looked like the stars." Thinking of the firefly, the first thing that came out of my mind was the firefly I saw in the portal that lead me to Serinokuni. Because of that terrible experience, I never wished to see that flying creature again. It just felt like when I'd see one, I would follow it again till I was lost. "Is the firefly still there?" I asked Akie. "I don't think so. Actually, I followed it and it lead me to the living room where you are. After that, I've never seen it again." I was surprised, but I didn't show it to him. I was shocked to hear that Akie also followed that firefly. Did it mean that the firefly I saw in the portal and the one that Akie had seen in his room were just the same? "Alright, then I guess you should sleep now," I told him. "You still have to wake up early tomorrow." "Goodnight, Brielle," Akie smiled. After I greeted him back, he closed his eyes already. And as favored, I read a story for him so he could sleep immediately. Fortunately, with just uttering some parts of the story, I was able to make him asleep already. Both my mind and body were still awake, so instead of following my little brother to sleep, I stood and went to the window to feel the serenity of the wind outside. And while letting the breeze touch my skin, I touched my bracelet. Since I went home, I didn't remove it from my hands because every time that I would see it, it would remind me of Valor's goodness me. It might be weird, but I wanted to see him again, not in Serinokuni, but in my world. One day, I hoped.
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